商標登録insideNews: 中国にあふれる偽「K-Food」、韓国企業が共同で訴訟へ=韓国ネット「パクりが伝統文化?」| エキサイトニュース




情報源: 中国にあふれる偽「K-Food」、韓国企業が共同で訴訟へ=韓国ネット「パクりが伝統文化?」 (2022年1月6日) – エキサイトニュース偽K-Food

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 中国にあふれる偽「K-Food」、韓国企業が共同で訴訟へ=韓国ネット「パクりが伝統文化?」| エキサイトニュース”

商標登録insideNews: Brands Should Consider China in Metaverse Strategy Even if Beijing Takes Tough Stance | The Fashion Law

A consideration of China makes sense as companies rush to hedge their bets when it comes to the metaverse and their valuable trademarks.

情報源: Brands Should Consider China in Metaverse Strategy Even if Beijing Takes Tough Stance – The Fashion Law

To date, most Western brands have focused primarily on the U.S. and the European Union, filing for a mix of classes of goods/services to cover their largely-prospective metaverse activities, namely class 9 (“downloadable virtual goods”); 35 (“retail store services featuring virtual goods”); and 41 (“entertainment services, namely, providing on-line, non-downloadable [goods] … for use in virtual environments”). But also, 42 in some cases (“non-downloadable computer software” and “non-fungible tokens”), and in a small number of cases, 25 (including “virtual clothing” alongside the traditional physical apparel that falls in this class of goods).

Dr. Martens, for instance, filed applications in classes 9 and 35 for its name and logo with the EUIPO last month. Tommy Hilfiger has filed applications with the same trademark office for marks like Tommyverse and Tommy World in the EU in classes 9, 25, 35, 41, and 42. Cosmetics and beauty companies like L’Oreal, NYX, Maybelline, Skinceuticals, and MAC, among others, have filed applications in a number of these classes in the EUIPO. And Allbirds lodged an international application with the World Intellectual Property Office in November after filing in the U.S.

商標登録insideNews: ナイキ、メタバース時代に備え商標保護とデジタル商品開発への対応着々 – Engadget 日本版

商標登録insideNews: たけのこの里の正面はどれ? お菓子としては異例の立体商標登録が実現した明治の担当者に聞いた | BLOGOS.com


情報源: たけのこの里の正面はどれ? お菓子としては異例の立体商標登録が実現した明治の担当者に聞いた

「たけのこの里」の立体形状を商標登録(2021年8月20日), 0:57


商標登録insideNews: 「たけのこの里」、立体商標登録 明治の主力チョコ菓子、特許庁 | 東京新聞 TOKYO Web
商標登録insideNews: 「きのこの山」が立体商標に | Yahoo!ニュース

商標登録insideNews: Trademarks Administrative Sanctions Process | Federal Register

As part of the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO or Office) continuing efforts to protect the integrity of the U.S. trademark register, the Commissioner for Trademarks (Commissioner) has established an administrative process for investigating submissions filed with the USPTO in trademark matters that appear to violate the Trademark Rules of Practice, including the rules concerning signatures, certificates, and representation of others in trademark matters before the USPTO (collectively, the USPTO rules), and/or the USPTO website’s Terms of Use; and imposing sanctions, as appropriate.

情報源: Federal Register :: Trademarks Administrative Sanctions Process



商標登録insideNews: Washington Football Team Won’t Become Red Wolves Due To Trademark Issues | www.tmz.com

The Washington Football Team will announce its new identity next month … but there’s one name that’s already off the table — RedWolves.WFT prez Jason Wright broke the news to fans early Tuesday morning … saying the fan-favorite “RedWolves” and more simple “Wolves” branding won’t work due to trademark issues.

情報源: Washington Football Team Won’t Become RedWolves Due To Trademark Issues

Did Washington Football Team ruin its future name reveal? | Pro Football Talk | NBC Sports, 5:44

Did Washington Football Team ruin its future name reveal? | Pro Football Talk | NBC Sports

End Racismの流れからチーム名を旧レッドスキンズからワシントンフットボールチームに一時的に変更した首都ワシントンのNFLのチーム(nfc/east)は、今年2月22日に新チーム名を発表する予定です。

商標登録insideNews: Buick Electra Trademark Filed In the US and Canada | motor1.com

Buick Electra TM Filed

Buick has recently filed a trademark application for Electra on both US Patent and Trademark Office and the Canadian Intellectual Property Office, dated December 20, 2021. Filed under “Motor land vehicles, namely, automobiles,” Electra is a familiar name under the Buick brand.

情報源: Buick Electra Trademark Filed In The US And Canada

Buick Electra concept, 2:47 Buick Electra TM Filed

Buick Electra concept

商標登録insideNews: New Buick Logo Leaked Online After The Trademark Filing | motor1.com

商標登録insideNews: 巨大経済圏「RCEP」、10か国で発効…中韓と初の自由貿易協定 | 読売新聞オンライン


情報源: 巨大経済圏「RCEP」、10か国で発効…中韓と初の自由貿易協定 : 経済 : ニュース : 読売新聞オンライン

【RCEP協定】地域的な包括的経済連携協定説明会(令和3年12月9、14日 Webiner), 1:36:44

資料(pdf)119 pages

【RCEP協定】地域的な包括的経済連携協定【Q&A解説】, 44:35


商標登録insideNews: 八丁味噌のGI登録問題の異常さ 地元で名前が取り沙汰されている自民党有力政治家A|日刊ゲンダイDIGITAL

八丁味噌 GI登録問題 黒幕?

八丁味噌 GI登録問題 黒幕?


情報源: 八丁味噌のGI登録問題の異常さ 地元で名前が取り沙汰されている自民党有力政治家A|日刊ゲンダイDIGITAL八丁味噌 GI登録問題 黒幕?

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 八丁味噌のGI登録問題の異常さ 地元で名前が取り沙汰されている自民党有力政治家A|日刊ゲンダイDIGITAL”

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