Wagyu beef has now become synonymous with “high quality and delicious beef,” but if you’re lucky enough, you’ll want to taste domestic branded beef. From the basics of branded beef to recommended brands.
三重 地域ブランド・商標登録 全国ご当地名産品 vol.24
JA Iga Furusato (Iga City, Mie Prefecture) established the Basho Negi Group last month after the trademark registration of Iga Basho Negi grown in the Iga region of Mie Prefecture.
Stockholm-headquartered Polar Music International, which owns a number of ABBA trademarks and service marks, is officially suing a UK-based tribute band called ABBA Mania for alleged “trademark counterfeiting and infringement, dilution, unfair competition, and cybersquatting. ”Polar Music, which says that it’s overseen ABBA’s music releases, tour promotion, and intellectual property “since the band’s founding,” just recently submitted the shocking lawsuit to a New York federal court. Spanning 24 pages, the verbose complaint lists as defendants UK companies Handshake and TAL Entertainment as well as individuals (also located in the UK) named James Stuart Littlewood and Todd Littlewood.
Applications filed by an entity listed in the Show Cause Order issued to Abtach Ltd., 360 Digital Marketing LLC, and Retrocube LLC on November 3, 2021 have been suspended. These entities are accused of committing fraud on applicants and the USPTO. Be suspicious of requests for additional fees; the USPTO does not require fees to respond to a show cause order.
On December 10, 2021, the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) issued a final order for sanctions against Yusha Zhang and Shenzhen Huanyee Intellectual Property Co.,