世界知的所有権機関 動画
商標登録出願の活動が最も活発な国: 2004年から2023年までのトップ10
意匠登録出願の活動が最も活発な国: 2004年から2023年までのトップ10
特許出願の活動が最も活発な国: 2004年から2023年までのトップ10
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商標登録出願の活動が最も活発な国: 2004年から2023年までのトップ10
意匠登録出願の活動が最も活発な国: 2004年から2023年までのトップ10
特許出願の活動が最も活発な国: 2004年から2023年までのトップ10
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The Global Brand Database includes now the national collection of Qatar, adding over 147,670 records and bringing the total number of available data sources to 82. For further information about the records covered in these collections, please refer to the coverage page.
情報源: Trademarks of Qatar now available in the Global Brand Database
商標登録insideNews: Indonesian Trademarks Collection now up-to-date in the Global Brand Database | WIPO
これら5人の著名なサッカー選手は、名前やロゴ、決めポーズなどを商標として登録しています ⬇️⬇️
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: These five football stars have registered their names as trademarks | WIPO”
The Government of Qatar deposited its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol – the governing Treaty of the Madrid System – with WIPO Director General, Daren Tang on May 3, 2024. Qatar is the 115th Member of the Madrid System.This accession further strengthens the Madrid System as a practical and efficient solution for protecting trademarks worldwide.National trademark holders in four – Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates – out of the six countries that make up the Gulf Cooperation Council can now use the Madrid System to secure cross-border protection of their brands.
情報源: Qatar Joins the Madrid System
The Madrid Protocol will enter into force in Qatar on August 3, 2024. 国際登録でのカタールの指定開始は2024年8月3日からになります。
Insights on alternative dispute resolution (ADR) including WIPO mediations, options for innovation and intellectual property disputes through a series of conversations with international practitioners, mediators and arbitrators.
続きを読む“世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.81 商標_動画 (embedded)”
Take a deep dive into the fascinating world of creativity, innovation and intellectual property – listen, learn and get inspired by artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, researchers, experts, and others.
続きを読む“WIPOD Intellectual Property Matters Classroom Coversations Episodes 7-10”
Take a deep dive into the fascinating world of creativity, innovation and intellectual property – listen, learn and get inspired by artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, researchers, experts, and others.
続きを読む“WIPOD Intellectual Property Matters Eye on Copytight Enforcement Episode 1-4”