情報源: GI大阪産ワイン発表会 認知度上げる試み|読売テレビニュース
GI「大阪ワイン」記念発表会~歴史あるぶどうとワインの物語~, 2:37:57
地理的表示(GI)保護制度 vol.2 🍶酒類(しゅるい)の地理的表示
情報源: GI大阪産ワイン発表会 認知度上げる試み|読売テレビニュース
GI「大阪ワイン」記念発表会~歴史あるぶどうとワインの物語~, 2:37:57
地理的表示(GI)保護制度 vol.2 🍶酒類(しゅるい)の地理的表示
情報源: [農林][お知らせ]ぶどう酒の地理的表示(GI)に「大阪」が指定されました! | 大阪府立環境農林水産総合研究所
地理的表示(GI)保護制度 vol.2 酒類(しゅるい)の地理的表示
Only grapes harvested in Osaka Prefecture are used, and wine that satisfies certain standards is certified as “Osaka” wine and distributed to the market. There is also a winery with over 100 years of history, which produces wine using 100% locally grown grapes.
情報源: 日本酒とワイン「長野GI」に 全国初の2種同時指定 / 日本農業新聞
情報源: GI長野、ついに指定へ!|よみもの|ワイントピックス|NAGANO WINEオフィシャルサイト
祝!GI長野指定!! その瞬間の裏側に潜入してみた、16:03
商標登録insideNews:「県名ワイン」ブランド化へ 地理的表示GIの登録相次ぐ(日本農業新聞) | Yahoo!ニュース
情報源: 「県名ワイン」ブランド化へ 地理的表示GIの登録相次ぐ(日本農業新聞) – Yahoo!ニュース
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews:「県名ワイン」ブランド化へ 地理的表示GIの登録相次ぐ(日本農業新聞) | Yahoo!ニュース”
On January 27, 2021 the new German wine law came into force. It introduces a new kind of hierarchy for German wines based on its geographic origin. In a way it can be seen as a remodelling of the system that previously existed with the aim to improve the overall quality of German wine as well as to fit better with the EU system. The four primary geographic “levels” for a German quality wine (Qualitätswein) are now Area, Region, Village, and Vineyard.
情報源: Germany Introduces A New Wine Hierarchy Based On Geography
記事によるとQualitätswein、Landwein、Deutscher Wein – without geographic originの3つのレベルがあり、トップレベルのQualitätsweinは、Vineyard (Einzellage)、Village (Ortsweine)、Region、Area wine (Anbaugebiete)の4つのレベルがあります。Vineyardの中にさらにGewann, sub-plot, may be specified、Grosses Gewächs、Erstes Gewächs、Einzellageの4つのカテゴリがあり、Grosses Gewächsがgrand cruと同等とされています。
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Germany Introduces A New Wine Hierarchy Based On Geography | Forbes”
The United States Patent and Trademark Office Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (the “TTAB”) recently published a precedential decision regarding the treatment of trademarks for wine and spirits and their potential for being “deceptively misdescriptive” pursuant to Section 2(a) of the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1052(a). Section 2(a) has three provisions, all of which are relevant to the alcoholic beverage industry. In this new precedential decision, the TTAB held that “[t]erms that are not specifically place names, but which may have ‘geographical association,’ may provide bases for claims under the general deceptiveness provision of Section 2(a).”
情報源: 「門外不出」のブドウで大阪産ワインをブランド化へ 復権狙う地元ワイナリー (1/2ページ) – SankeiBiz(サンケイビズ):自分を磨く経済情報サイト
情報源: 大阪ワイン復権へ奮闘! 温暖化に負けないブドウの新品種登録も出願 (1/2ページ) – zakzak:夕刊フジ公式サイト
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews:「門外不出」のブドウで大阪産ワインをブランド化へ 復権狙う地元ワイナリー | SankeiBiz”
Foreign geographical indications (GIs) may be granted protection even without a trademark registration in China. GIs are indications that identify a good as originating from a certain region or locality, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to the natural or humanistic features of the place indicated. What if an indication is accredited as a GI in its country of origin – is it sufficient to be granted protection in China without being registered as a trademark? On 10 January 2011, Fujian Longwang Trading filed an application to the Trademark Office for registration of Trademark No. 9037930 “罗曼尼·康帝” (disputed trademark, Chinese transliteration of “Romanee-Conti”) on class 33 goods of “Wine; Whiskey”. The application was approved for registration on 21 January 2012.
情報源: Disputes over geographical indications of wine trademarks