商標登録insideNews: USPTO Suspends Attorney-Sponsored Accounts Connected to Foreign Sponsorship Scam | ipwatchdog.com

USPTO suspends scam related accounts

USPTO suspends scam related accounts

Earlier this week, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) suspended the sponsored accounts of two U.S. attorneys who loaned their name and bar credentials to an Indian law firm so they could file trademark submissions in violation of USPTO rules.

情報源: USPTO Suspends Attorney-Sponsored Accounts Connected to Foreign Sponsorship Scam

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商標登録insideNews: Applications impacted by show cause order issued to Abtach Ltd., 360 Digital Marketing LLC, and Retrocube LLC | USPTO

Applications filed by an entity listed in the Show Cause Order issued to Abtach Ltd., 360 Digital Marketing LLC, and Retrocube LLC on November 3, 2021 have been suspended. These entities are accused of committing fraud on applicants and the USPTO. Be suspicious of requests for additional fees; the USPTO does not require fees to respond to a show cause order. 

情報源: Applications impacted by show cause order issued to Abtach Ltd., 360 Digital Marketing LLC, and Retrocube LLC | USPTO

[2021.12.16 追記]

On December 10, 2021, the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) issued a final order for sanctions against Yusha Zhang and Shenzhen Huanyee Intellectual Property Co.,

情報源: USPTO: Yusha Zhang & Shenzhen Huanyee Intellectual Property Co Sanctioned

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