商標登録insideNews: Nissan Has Also Filed New Skyline Trademarks | Roadandtrack.com

Back in July, Ford surprised the automotive world by submitting a filing for the Skyline name with the US Patent and Trade Office. It was a shock, mostly because Nissan has been producing world-famous performance coupes under the Skyline and Skyline GT-R names since the 1960s. That led the company to fire back, filing a trademark of its own for use of the Skyline name in the U.S. on model cars and minicars on August 26th. It also trademarked the name for full-sized cars in Canada on August 25th.

情報源: Nissan Has Also Filed New Skyline Trademarks

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商標登録insideNews: Ford Trademarks Skyline Name In The US And We’re Not Sure Why | motor1.com

Say the word Skyline and we’ll guarantee you, a Nissan luxury sedan is the first vehicle that will come to mind.But it seems like Ford wants you to think of the Blue Oval upon hearing Skyline – at least that’s what the most recent trademark filing suggests. Brought to light by Ford Authority, Ford Motor Company has submitted a trademark application for the Skyline name to the US Patent and Trademark Office, dated July 12, 2021.

情報源: Ford Trademarks Skyline Name In The US And We’re Not Sure Why


Goods and Services IC 012.
G & S: Motor land vehicles, namely, SUVs, trucks and automobiles
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 90823372
Filing Date July 12, 2021
Current Basis 1B

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