商標登録insideNews: What you need to know about non-use trademark cancellation actions in Russia | Lexology

The Russian non-use cancellation system can be vexing for global trademark owners.One of the challenges for international rights holders is that non-use cancellation proceedings in Russia are heard inter partes by the country’s IP Court. This means that an action in such cases is typically more complex, costly and time consuming than in other jurisdictions.Another challenge is that Russian legislation requires a claimant to use a non-use cancellation action to prove legitimate interest and the evidentiary bar is high.

情報源: What you need to know about non-use trademark cancellation actions in Russia – Lexology


社会通念上同一と認められる商標 平成8年改正商標法における不使用取消審判の改善では、登録商標の使用と認める範囲を社会通念上は同一と認められる商標まで広げています。どこまでが社会通念上同一という境界を探ることで、どの程度の …