“Miyagi Salmon” is a premium brand of raw coho salmon that is fed rice produced in Miyagi Prefecture and is treated to maintain freshness when landed, using techniques called “ikejime” and “shinkeijime.” In May last year, it was registered as the first Miyagi Prefecture product under the national Geographical Indication Protection System (GI), which protects local agricultural, forestry and fishery products as brands.
Today, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, based on the Act on the Protection of Names of Specified Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Products (Geographical Indication Act). has registered (registration numbers 63 to 66) Nango tomatoes, Yamadai kansho, Iwadeyama frozen tofu, and Iwate charcoal as geographical indications (GI).
Frozen tofu, which has been passed down for about 170 years since the domain system era in the Iwadeyama district of Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, is expected to be registered in the country’s Geographical Indication Protection System (GI), which protects regional products as brands, as early as August.