タグ: マドプロ
マドリッド制度による国際登録出願では、1つの登録出願で多数の国での商標権を得ることができるというメリットがあります。ところが、国際登録出願の願書の記載内容は、各国様式の最大公約数的なところがありますので、各国の詳細な事情 …
商標登録insideNews: Brazil Joins WIPO’s International Trademark System: Major New Benefits for Brand Owners in Brazil and Around the World | WIPO
Brazil Joins Madrid System
Brazil Joins Madrid System WIPO has received Brazil’s accession document to the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks. The document was signed by President Jair Bolsonaro. The Madrid System will enter into force for Brazil three months after the deposit of the accession instrument, on October 2, 2019.
ブラジル国立工業所有権機関(INPI:Instituto nacional da propriedade industrial)のwebsite
各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連108機関) 地域ブロック別
O INPI é responsável pelo registro e concessão de marcas, patentes, desenho industrial, transferência de tecnologia, indicação geográfica, programa de computador e topografia de circuitos integrados.

商標登録insideNews: Celebrating 30 Years of the Madrid Protocol | WIPO
Thursday, June 27, 2019, is the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks (the “Protocol”).
情報源: Celebrating 30 Years of the Madrid Protocol
商標登録insideNews: Estonia Becomes the Second Baltic Country to Offer Madrid E-Filing to its Applicants | WIPO
Following the launch of Madrid e-filing in the Lithuanian IP Office in February, the IP Office of Estonia becomes the second Baltic State and the third Member this year to offer Madrid e-filing to its trademark community.
情報源: Estonia Becomes the Second Baltic Country to Offer Madrid E-Filing to its Applicants

商標登録insideNews: Membership on the Rise: Afghanistan Joins the Madrid System | WIPO
Afghanistan Joins the Madrid System
On March 26, 2018 the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan deposited its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol, making Afghanistan the 101st member of the Madrid System. The Protocol will enter into force for Afghanistan on June 26, 2018.
情報源: Membership on the Rise: Afghanistan Joins WIPO’s Madrid System
最新(2024.8) のマドプロ加盟国のリスト マドリッド制度 締約国(マドリッドプロトコル)の 一覧
外国商標登録の費用 明朗でないのはなぜ
外国商標登録の費用はそれほど単純ではない 外国での製品展開や海外代理店・支店の拡充などを企画した場合に、商標をどうするかの問題は必ずついて回るものと思われます。できれば商標の使用や営業を開始するまでには、商標登録を準備し …
商標登録insideNews: 標章の国際登録に関するマドリッド協定及び同協定に関する議定書に基づく共通規則(特許庁仮訳)について | 経済産業省 特許庁
情報源: 標章の国際登録に関するマドリッド協定及び同協定に関する議定書に基づく共通規則(特許庁仮訳)について | 経済産業省 特許庁
情報源: Amendments to Common Regulations Take Effect November 1
商標登録insideNews: マドリッド協定議定書個別手数料 変更・新規 お知らせ|特許庁
カンボジア, タイがマドプロに新規で加わり、タジキスタン、チュニジアに個別手数料の変更があります。
国名 | 出願時 | 更新時 |
カンボジア(2017.10.31から) | 1類毎に 96 | 1類毎に 99 |
タイ(2017.11.7から) | 1類毎に 418 | 1類毎に 522 |
タジキスタン(2017.10.25から) | 1類まで 373 1類を超えた1類毎に 29 | 1類まで 373 1類を超えた1類毎に 29 |
チュニジア(2017.10.5から) | 1類まで 109 1類を超えた1類毎に 14 | 1類まで 156 1類を超えた1類毎に 33 |
商標登録insideNews: タイ王国、マドリッド制度に加盟 | WIPO
Thailand joins Madrid system
On August 7, 2017, the Government of Thailand deposited its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol with WIPO’s Director General, making Thailand the 99th member of the Madrid System. The Protocol will enter into force for Thailand on November 7, 2017.
情報源: Thailand Joins the Madrid System
The International Trademark System has notched its 99th member with Thailand’s accession. The accession spotlights the Madrid System’s emergence as a key component of protecting marks internationally, offering a convenient and cost-effective solution for brand owners worldwide.
情報源: Trademarks Trending