商標登録insideNews: Courts and Brand Owners Struggling With SCOTUS Decision Limiting Ability to Police Against Foreign Trademark Infringement | Seyfarth Shaw LLP – JDSupra

Extraterritorial Trademark Dispute

The U.S. Supreme Court’s end-of-term decision in Abitron v. Hetronic seems to have created more questions than answers about U.S. brand owners’ ability to leverage the federal Lanham Act in global trademark disputes. In the few weeks since the Court issued its opinion, parties and courts alike are already struggling with exactly how to apply it.

情報源: Courts and Brand Owners Struggling With SCOTUS Decision Limiting Ability to Police Against Foreign Trademark Infringement | Seyfarth Shaw LLP – JDSupra

In the waning days of its most recent term, the Supreme Court decided Abitron Austria GmbH v. Hetronic International, Inc., a case about international enforcement of the Lanham Act.  While Abitron grabbed fewer headlines than the Court’s other, more controversial late-June decisions, it is important for U.S. businesses that may litigate trademark or false advertising cases with foreign or international facts.

情報源: Abitron v. Hetronic: SCOTUS Nixes Foreign Lanham Act Suits, But Key Questions Remain | Misbranded

Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument In Case Concerning The Global Scope Of Federal Trademark Law, 1:27:16

Supreme Court Hears Oral Argument In Case Concerning The Global Scope Of Federal Trademark Law

ABITRON AUSTRIA GmbH v. HETRONIC INT’L, INC.Extraterritorial Trademark Dispute
商標登録insideNews: As Supreme Court Case on Extraterritorial Trademark Disputes Heats Up, ABA Asks Justices to Consider 3-Part Test | ipwatchdog.com

米国特許商標庁 (USPTO) 商標_動画 (embedded/playlist) vol.27

米国特許商標庁 動画

米国特許商標庁 動画
USPTO とテキサス州弁護士会知的財産法部門は、ランハム法成立 75 周年記念の一環として商標ブートキャンプを主催しました。ランハム法
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