商標登録insideNews: Israel flooded with trademark applications from Gulf | www.israelhayom.com

Israel TM filing number increased by gulf states

In months since the announcement of the normalization deal between Israel and the UAE, more than 100 requests have been submitted from Gulf nation, a surge of 400%. The newly announced peace deals in the region between Israel and four Arab countries has led to an influx of trademark applications from companies in the region. Follow Israel Hayom on Facebook and TwitterThe deals, commonly known as the Abraham Accords, were brokered by former US President Donal

情報源: Israel flooded with trademark applications from Gulf – www.israelhayom.com

dubai Israel TM filing number increased by gulf states
Dubai, UAE

各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連126機関) 地域ブロック別

商標登録insideNews: Israel joins TMview

As of 14 May 2018, the Israel Patent Office (ILPO) has made its trade mark data available to the TMview search tool. The integration of ILPO is a concrete result of the International Cooperation programme managed by EUIPO in collaboration with its international partners. With ILPO on board TMview now contains data from 66 participating offices. With the addition of more than 270,000 trade marks from ILPO, TMview provides information and access to more than 50.2 million trade marks in total.

情報源: Israel joins TMview

商標登録insideNews: The Israel Patent Office (ILPO) joins TMclass – news

情報源: The Israel Patent Office (ILPO) joins TMclass – news


Israel Patent Office (ILPO)