商標登録insideNews: Annual Meeting 2020: INTA made the difficult, but right, decision over coronavirus fears | World Trademark Review

INTA postpones meetings


INTA postpones meetings

While the INTA cancelling the 2020 Annual Meeting in Singapore is not unexpected, it will not have been an easy decision, and INTA staff now face a significant challenge: pulling together an event, that usually takes years, in a matter of months.

情報源: Annual Meeting 2020: INTA made the difficult, but right, decision over coronavirus fears | World Trademark ReviewINTA postpones meetings

From the INTA
Announcement about INTA’s 2020 Annual Meeting
As you know, INTA has been continuously monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in relation to the Association’s 2020 Annual Meeting, April 25–29, in Singapore. The health and safety of Annual Meeting registrants is our main priority.
We are announcing today that we are working to reschedule INTA’s Annual Meeting in Singapore until 2022 (date in 2022 to be announced).
In addition, we will be relocating the 2020 Annual Meeting to a date in May or June and a venue in the United States. We will provide an update as soon as we confirm details.

IP リアルタイム #3 知的財産 団体・協会

国際商標協会(INTA) vol.24 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)

INTA Video

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国際商標協会(INTA) vol.23 商標_動画(embedded)

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国際商標協会 動画

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