商標登録insideNews: Huawei Sold Aito Trademarks, Patents to Reaffirm Non-Compete Stance With Partners, Insider Says | yicaiglobal.com

Huawei tech sold IP rights to Seres Group

July 3 — Huawei Technologies (華為技術) sold the trademarks and patents for Aito (問界), the electric vehicle brand it co-developed with Seres Group (賽力斯集団), to the automaker to re-emphasize that it has no plans to make cars itself, according to an informed source.

情報源: Huawei Sold Aito Trademarks, Patents to Reaffirm Non-Compete Stance With Partners, Insider Says

Huawei tech sold IP rights to Seres Group
1624815- AITO

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Huawei Sold Aito Trademarks, Patents to Reaffirm Non-Compete Stance With Partners, Insider Says | yicaiglobal.com”

商標登録insideNews: Apple’s “Vision Pro” Faces Trademark Uncertainty In Chinese Market | SPARROWS NEWS

Huawei owns Vision Pro trademark in China

During Apple’s recent WWDC23 developer conference, the tech giant officially unveiled its highly anticipated spatial computing headset, the “Vision Pro.” Integrating both virtual reality and augmented reality features, the innovative device is set to make its debut in the United States early next year. However, Apple might encounter an unexpected hurdle in the Chinese market due to a prior trademark registration by Huawei.

情報源: Apple’s “Vision Pro” Faces Trademark Uncertainty In Chinese Market | SPARROWS NEWS

Introducing Apple Vision Pro. 9:21

Introducing Apple Vision Pro

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Apple’s “Vision Pro” Faces Trademark Uncertainty In Chinese Market | SPARROWS NEWS”

商標登録insideNews: Huawei files trademark application for “Mate Watch” – Gizmochina

Huawei’s Mate line has evolved from being limited to just phones to include other products such as computers (MateBook) and tablets (MatePad). Now Huawei is ready to add smartwatches too.The Chinese tech giant filed a trademark application early this month for the brand name “Huawei Mate Watch”.

情報源: Huawei files trademark application for “Mate Watch” – Gizmochina

国际分类: 9
申请日期: 2020年05月06日
申请人名称: 华为技术有限公司

商標登録insideNews: Huawei Files to Trademark ‘Harmony’ Branding for an Operating System: Report | Technology News

Huawei has reportedly filed a trademark application with the EU Intellectual Property Office for a new operating system (OS) called Harmony, even as issues with the US government after the trade blacklist seem to be easing now.

情報源: Huawei Files to Trademark ‘Harmony’ Branding for an Operating System: Report | Technology News

商標登録insideNews: ファーウェイ独自OS「鴻蒙」、すでに商標登録か | BUSINESS INSIDER JAPAN

ファーウェイが2019年秋にも投入する独自OSの名前とされている「鴻蒙(HongMeng)」の商標が、すでに登録されていることが5月24日、明らかになった。 中国の知的財産権を管轄する「国家知識産権局」の公式サイトによると、ファーウェイは「

情報源: ファーウェイ独自OS「鴻蒙」、すでに商標登録か | BUSINESS INSIDER JAPAN

申请/注册号 33104783 申请日期 2018年08月24日 国际分类 9 申请人名称(中文) 华为技术有限公司
申请/注册号 33093263 申请日期 2018年08月24日 国际分类 42 申请人名称(中文) 华为技术有限公司


申请/注册号 33099986 申请日期 2018年08月24日 国际分类 9 申请人名称(中文) 华为技术有限公司
申请/注册号 33104813 申请日期 2018年08月24日 国际分类 42 申请人名称(中文) 华为技术有限公司


Huawei registers ‘Hongmeng’ trademark、0:46