商標登録insideNews: IPOPHL adopts EU goods and services trademark classification system | BusinessWorld

THE INTELLECTUAL Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) said it is adopting the European Union’s (EU) goods and services trademark classification system to improve the business trademark application process in the Philippines.

情報源: IPOPHL adopts EU goods and services trademark classification system – BusinessWorld

情報源: IPOPHL adopts EU trademark database, ensuring certainty and ease in application | IPOPHL


Philippine, Manila

商標登録insideNews: HDB: over half of applicants have EUTM classification pre-ac |EUIPO

Approximately half of all direct EUTM applications at EUIPO are now fully classified automatically via the Harmonised Database (HDB) system.The HDB contains goods and services terminology  that has already been pre-approved by all national and regional intellectual property offices in the EU. Terms chosen from the HDB are automatically accepted at EUIPO.

情報源: EUIPO – HDB: over half of applicants have EUTM classification pre-ac


商標登録insideNews: Moldova and Peru to use the list of terms from the harmonised database in TMclass | EUIPO

AGEPI INDECOPI start use of HDB in TMclass

As of 07 May 2018 the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova (AGEPI) and the National Institute for the Defense of Free Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property of Peru (INDECOPI) will use the list of goods and services from the harmonised database (HDB) in TMclass.

情報源: Moldova and Peru to use the list of terms from the harmonised database in TMclass

モルドバ知的財産庁(AGEPI)とペルー国立知的財産保護機関(INDECOPI)は、欧州外の国として商品役務の選択にTMClassのHDB(harmonised database)の使用を開始するというニュースです。TMClassでは、この拡張により29の各国知的財産庁で共通化した概念が利用されることになります。

各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連137機関) 地域ブロック別


AGEPI INDECOPI start use of HDB in TMclass
