商標登録insideNews: Trademark Office Offers Blueprint for New Cancellation Processes | bloomberglaw.com

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is set to issue a proposal for implementing a new law aimed at weeding out fraudulent trademarks.The proposed new procedures would provide a faster, more efficient, and cheaper path for having a mark never used in commerce canceled, the office said in a notice of proposed rulemaking scheduled to be published in Tuesday’s Federal Register. The filing fee for petitions would be $600 per challenged class of products covered by the trademark, under the proposal.

情報源: Trademark Office Offers Blueprint for New Cancellation Processes

Changes To Implement Provisions of the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020[Proposed Rule / Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 18, 2021] PDF 2021.5.18

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商標登録insideNews: Trademark Office Delays New Digital Processing Requirement

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has postponed until Dec. 21 a requirement that nearly all trademark applications be electronically filed and managed.

情報源: Trademark Office Delays New Digital Processing Requirement

情報源: Federal Register :: Changes to the Trademark Rules of Practice To Mandate Electronic Filing

10月5日からとされてた改正ルール〈Mandate Electronic Filing〉(84 FR 37081)の施行日は12月21日に変更されています。


商標登録insideNews: Federal Register : Request for Comments on Possible Streamlined Version of Cancellation Proceedings on Grounds of Abandonment and Nonuse

米国特許商標庁(USPTO )は、現行の不使用取消審判をより円滑化する手続について準備を進めており、そのためのパブリックコメントを募集しています。今回の円滑化の手続きでは、放棄や不使用についての主張を限定的なものとして、他の訴因を排除しております。また、費用も1クラスで300ドル(紙は400ドル)を予定しています。

As part of the effort to improve the integrity of the trademark register, the USPTO is exploring the possibility of a streamlined version of the existing inter partes abandonment and nonuse grounds for cancellation before the USPTO’s Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (“TTAB”).

情報源: Federal Register :: Improving the Accuracy of the Trademark Register: Request for Comments on Possible Streamlined Version of Cancellation Proceedings on Grounds of Abandonment and Nonuse
