商標登録insideNews:「♪パッパラパッパ」といえば正露丸、橙・緑・黄色のストライプは…音や色の商標登録で差別化 | 読売新聞


「♪パッパラパッパ」で始まるラッパのメロディー。耳になじみのあるこの音で胃腸薬「正露丸」を思い浮かべる人は多い。 製造販売元の大幸薬品がラジオCMでこのメロディーを流し始めたのは、70年以上前の1951年。「音」で正露丸

情報源: 「♪パッパラパッパ」といえば正露丸、橙・緑・黄色のストライプは…音や色の商標登録で差別化 : 読売新聞

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商標登録insideNews: Hermès Denied Reg. in Japan for Orange Packaging Trademark

Hermès Orange Packaging Trademark Denied in Japan

Hermès has been handed a loss in the latest round of a bid to register its use of orange and brown on product packaging as a trademark in Japan. On the heels of the Japan Patent Office (“JPO”) refusing to register the mark on the basis that the color combination is not necessarily an indicator of source, the JPO’s Appeals Board rejected the Birkin bag-maker’s appeal, finding that Hermès selected its orange and brown-hued packaging “to enhance the impression and aesthetics of goods and services,” and that they are “not recognized to indicate the origin of goods or services and distinguish them from competitors.” 

情報源: Hermès Denied Reg. in Japan for Orange Packaging Trademark


Hermès | Astonishing orange. 0:10 Hermès Orange Packaging Trademark Denied in Japan

Astonishing orange | Hermès

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