商標登録insideNews: 団体標章、及び証明標章:中国国家知識産権局からの注意喚起 – 2025年1月 | 特許庁

CNIPA 団体標章、証明標章について注意喚起

情報源: 団体標章、及び証明標章:中国 – 2025年1月 | 経済産業省 特許庁

CNIPA 団体標章、証明標章について注意喚起

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 団体標章、及び証明標章:中国国家知識産権局からの注意喚起 – 2025年1月 | 特許庁”

商標登録insideNews: China Issues New Method for Trademark Penalty Calculation | National Law Review

CNIPA and SAMR issue TM Penelty Calculation Method

CNIPA and SAMR issue TM penelty Calculation Method

On October 30, 2024, China’s National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) and State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) jointly released the Notice on Method for Calculating Illegal Business Turnover (Volume) in Trademark Infringement Cases (商标侵权案件违法经营额计算办法). The Method will be used for calculating penalties outside of the judicial system in administrative enforcement.

情報源: China Issues New Method for Trademark Penalty Calculation

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: China Issues New Method for Trademark Penalty Calculation | National Law Review”

商標登録insideNews: [NEWS] CNIPA Issues The Revised Draft Of The Trademark Law | mondaq.com

CNIPA issues the revised draft of TM law

The State Intellectual Property Office (CNIPA) promoted the revision of the Trademark Law of the People’s Republic of China and on January 13, 2023, issued the Amendment to the Trademark Law (Draft for Comments), which is now open for comments.Specific opinions on the revision and improvement of the Draft for Comments must be submitted before February 27, 2023.

情報源: [NEWS] CNIPA Issues The Revised Draft Of The Trademark Law – Trademark – China

国家知识产权局 通知 国家知识产权局关于《中华人民共和国商标法修订草案(征求意见稿)》公开征求意见的通知CNIPA issues the revised draft of TM law

CNIPA、「商標法改正草案(意見募集稿)」を公表 |JETRO


商標登録insideNews: 杭州 2022 年第 19 届 亚运会会徽‘潮涌’”特殊标志予以延期的公告 | 国家知识产权局

潮涌 特殊标志 延期

国家知的財産局は2022年に杭州で開催される予定の第19回アジア競技大会のエンブレム「潮涌(タイド)」の特別サインの延期に関して、杭州2022年第19回アジア競技大会のエンブレム「タイド」の特別ロゴは2026年の8月29日まで延長されると発表しています。なお、杭州2022年第19回アジア競技大会は2022年05月06日に開催の延期が発表されています。The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 Postponed

潮涌 特殊标志 延期
商標登録insideNews: As mascot for 2022 Winter Olympics, Bing Dwen Dwen introduced
Hangzhou 2022 19th Asian Games emblem “Tide” special logo will be extended to August 29, 2026, while 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou 2022 has been postponed to May 06, 2022.

商標登録insideNews: China: CNIPA Releases Guidance Case #7 for Trademark Exhaustion | natlawreview.com

CNIPA Guidance Case VII

On March 29, 2022, China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) released the second batch of intellectual property administrative law enforcement law enforcement Guide

情報源: China: CNIPA Releases Guidance Case VII for Trademark Exhaustion

指导案例7号 山东省威海市市场监督管理局查处使用回收再利用啤酒瓶侵犯“青岛啤酒(TSINGTAO)”注册商标专用权案理解与适用

CNIPA Guidance Case
日本 商標登録第6351330号

中国商標制度 vol.1
中国商標制度 vol.2

商標登録insideNews: China’s Trademark Office Releases 2021 Statistics | natlawreview.com

CNIPA Statistics

China’s Trademark Office Releases 2021 Statistics: 482K Malicious Applications Rejected; 7 Months to Registration; Registrations Up 34%, the Trademark Office of the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) released a summary of statistics for 2021 in a document entitled 这些数字,让我们记住2021年! Like the Patent Office of CNIPA cracking down on “irregular” patent applications, the TM Office rejected 482,000 trademark application for malicious registration not intended for use and preemptively rejected 1,628 malicious trademarks applications that harm social and public interests, and invalidated 1,729 registered trademarks ex officio. The preemptive rejections may be for Olympic-related marks such as for Olympic athlete and fashion model Eileen Gu

情報源: China’s Trademark Office Releases 2021 Statistics


商標登録insideNews: 中国の「讃岐牛」商標登録が棄却|NHK 香川県 NEWSWEB



情報源: 中国の「讃岐牛」商標登録が棄却|NHK 香川県のニュース

香川 地域ブランド・商標登録 全国ご当地名産品 vol.37

商標登録insideNews: Metaverse Trademark Applications Reach 16,000 in China

Metaverse TM Filings Reach 16,000 in China

In an interview with The Paper on Monday, the Chinese National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) said that the country has seen 16,000 trademark applications filed, encapsulating the term ‘metaverse.’The CNIPA has strictly opposed malicious trademark registrations, especially if the company is trying to hoard trademarks without apparent purpose for use.

情報源: Metaverse Trademark Applications Reach 16,000 in China

Metaverse china

商標登録insideNews: Chinese Government Rejects Metaverse Trademark Applications | coindesk.com