商標登録insideNews: 新型クラウンにはまだ未発表の『第5のクラウン』がある?トヨタが新たな商標を申請! |MOBY [モビー]


2022年9月28日に、トヨタが米国特許庁へ“TOYOTA CROWN SIGNIA”の商標登録を申請していたことがわかりました。

情報源: 新型クラウンにはまだ未発表の『第5のクラウン』がある?トヨタが新たな商標を申請! | ページ 2 / 2 | MOBY [モビー]

Goods and Services IC 012. G & S: automobiles and structural parts thereof
Standard Characters Claimed
Serial Number 97610200
Filing Date September 28, 2022
Current Basis 1B

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商標登録insideNews: Porsche’s ‘F1nally’ Trademark Application Hints at Upcoming F1 Entry | thedrive.com

Porsche TM ‘F1nally’

In a trademark application filed Aug. 10, formally registered Monday and first spotted by CarBuzz, Porsche has called dibs on the word “F1nally,” a not-so cryptic way of saying the brand is, at last, returning to F1. Currently, the word has not been trademarked in the United States or the U.K.; however, the domain f1nally.com was registered on March 19 of this year.

情報源: Porsche’s ‘F1nally’ Trademark Application Hints at Upcoming F1 Entry

210 Aktenzeichen AKZ 3020221129434
540 Markendarstellung MD F1nally
550 Markenform MF Wortmarke
220 Anmeldetag AT 10.08.2022
730 Anmelder ANM Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche Aktiengesellschaft, 70435 Stuttgart, DE
511 Klasse(n) KL 41, 14, 18, 25, 28, 35, 38, 42
(from DPMA register ‘Porsche TM’)

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Lamborghini applies to trademark ‘Revuelto’ name in Europe

Lamborghini Revuelto filed

Lamborghini’s path to an electrified lineup begins with plug-in hybrid versions of its Huracan, Aventador and Urus by the end of 2024. It’s first battery-electric vehicle is due before the end of the decade, reporting last year putting the launch in 2028. We expect there will be a few concepts and show cars presaging the first pure EV from Sant’Agata Bolognese, and a couple of trademark filings could tell us what a forerunner or the car itself will be called. CarBuzz discovered Lamborghini filings in Europe and Italy to reserve the name “Revuelto.”

情報源: Lamborghini applies to trademark ‘Revuelto’ name in Europe

Filing number 018707961
Basis EUTM
Date of receipt 25/05/2022
Type Word
Nice classes 9, 12, 25, 28 ( Nice Classification )
Filing date 25/05/2022
Trade mark status Application under examination
Acquired distinctiveness No

Organisation Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A.
Legal status Legal entity

Registration number 018707961

“Revuelto”はスペイン語でレヴエルトと発音され、意味はスクランブルの意味になります。(Lamborghini Revuelto)
商標登録insideNews: Audi RS Q8 Gets Closer To Reality As Trademark Filing Surfaces



情報源: ランボルギーニ初のピュアEV『レヴェルト』が2028年に登場?EUIPOに商標出願 | MOBY [モビー]

Lamborghini Revuelto filed

商標登録insideNews: Alpina、BMWグループの傘下に戦略的再編へ | レスポンス

BMW aquires Alpina Brand

BMW aquires Alpina Brand


情報源: アルピナ、BMWグループの傘下に…戦略的再編へ | レスポンス(Response.jp)

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商標登録insideNews:「センチュリー」はトヨタのものじゃなかった!? 「シグナス」や「GT」など自動車にまつわる商標のお話(VAGUE) | goo ニュース

自動車 商標

自動車 商標


情報源: 「センチュリー」はトヨタのものじゃなかった!? 「シグナス」や「GT」など自動車にまつわる商標のお話(VAGUE) – goo ニュース

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商標登録insideNews: Buick Electra Trademark Filed In the US and Canada | motor1.com

Buick Electra TM Filed

Buick has recently filed a trademark application for Electra on both US Patent and Trademark Office and the Canadian Intellectual Property Office, dated December 20, 2021. Filed under “Motor land vehicles, namely, automobiles,” Electra is a familiar name under the Buick brand.

情報源: Buick Electra Trademark Filed In The US And Canada

Buick Electra concept, 2:47 Buick Electra TM Filed

Buick Electra concept

商標登録insideNews: New Buick Logo Leaked Online After The Trademark Filing | motor1.com

商標登録insideNews: BMW M9 Trademark Points To New Halo Performance Car | CarBuzz

But let’s stop examining this EV future for a moment and bring things back to the present or near future. For what reason? Because it appears BMW’s acclaimed M division has a couple of interesting and top-secret projects in the works. CarBuzz has uncovered a pair of trademark applications with the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines for the names M7 and M9.

情報源: BMW M9 Trademark Points To New Halo Performance Car | CarBuzz

Serial number of the application: 42021519336
Date of filing of the application: 2021-08-16
Reproduction of the mark where the mark is represented in standard characters: M9
Name and address of the applicant: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG
International Classification: 12 Motor cars and parts and accessories thereof included in class 12

Serial number of the application: 42021519334
Date of filing of the application: 2021-08-16
Reproduction of the mark where the mark is represented in standard characters: M7
Name and address of the applicant: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG
International Classification: 12 Motor cars and parts and accessories thereof included in class 12

Serial number of the application: 42021519328
Date of filing of the application: 2021-08-16
Reproduction of the mark where the mark is represented in standard characters: X8
Name and address of the applicant: Bayerische Motoren Werke AG
International Classification: 12 Motor cars and parts and accessories thereof included in class 12

M8 M1 i3 i8

BMW M9 Concept | Will be released in 2020? | M9 will be a powerful beast!, 1:21

BMW M9 Concept | Will be released in 2020? | M9 will be a powerful beast!

商標登録insideNews: 嗚呼ややこしい!ハリアーはヴェンザ、ヴィッツはヤリス、フィットはジャズ…車名が世界統一ではない理由(ドライバーWeb)| Yahoo!ニュース

自動車名 色々


情報源: 嗚呼ややこしい!ハリアーはヴェンザ、ヴィッツはヤリス、フィットはジャズ…車名が世界統一ではない理由(ドライバーWeb) – Yahoo!ニュース自動車名 色々


コロナはトヨタだけじゃない…日産にもあった コロナウイルスが日々ニュースになっているが、クルマ界でコロナと言えばトヨタの「コロナ」である。だが、じつはそれ以前に、同じ「コロナ」という名前のバスが日産に存在していた。「日産コロナ

情報源: じつは日産にもあったコロナ!中型バスとして2年間販売されていた幻のクルマ | ドライバーWeb|クルマ好きの“知りたい”がここに

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商標登録insideNews: トヨタがついに商標を譲渡。オペルがやっと本名「コルサ」を名乗れる!(driver@web) | carview!

コルサ 商標譲渡

コルサ 商標譲渡


情報源: トヨタがついに商標を譲渡。オペルがやっと本名「コルサ」を名乗れる!(driver@web) | 自動車情報サイト【新車・中古車】 – carview!

本権移転登録申請書(譲渡) 2020/08/04
移転登録済通知書 2020/09/11
権利者記事 東京都目黒区 Groupe PSA JAPAN株式会社

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