商標登録insideNews: 長嶋一茂が晒した「長嶋家タブー」の衝撃!| Yahoo!ニュース

長嶋 商標登録


情報源: 長嶋一茂が晒した「長嶋家タブー」の衝撃!ミスターとの“今生の別れ”、妹・三奈との根深い確執も赤裸々(日刊ゲンダイDIGITAL) – Yahoo!ニュース

登録日:平成23(2011)年 3月 25日
出願日:平成22(2010)年 8月 23日
区分数:15 (3,12,14,16, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 43, 45)

長嶋 商標登録

商標登録insideNews:「氏名ブランド」の商標登録、法改正でようやく可能に?有識者が提言 | 朝日新聞デジタル

商標登録insideNews: Trademark Attorney Checks in With Update on Phillie Phanatic Legal Case | Crossing Broad

Phillie Phanatic Legal Case

The Phillie Phanatic revealed his offseason makeover yesterday afternoon in Clearwater and the consensus reaction to the updates was… not great. The changes were spurred, at least in part, by ongoing litigation between the Phillies and mascot creators Wade Harrison and Bonnie Erickson. In short, Harrison and Erickson want more money from the team. In…

情報源: Trademark Attorney Checks in With Update on Phillie Phanatic Legal Case | Crossing Broad

Could this be the end for the Phillie Phanatic?, 2:05 Phillie Phanatic Legal Case

Could this be the end for the Phillie Phanatic?

商標登録insideNews: Major League Baseball set to oppose the Overwatch League logo trademark | PC Gamer