商標登録insideNew: Trademark Board Addresses Registration Cancellations During Audit | natlawreview.com–Trigger Rule 2.134?

Deletion may result adversely in TTAB cancellation

The Trademark Trial & Appeal Board (Board) addressed, for the first time, whether the deletion of goods and services as a result of a post-registration audit during a cancellation proceeding triggers Trademark Rule 2.134 and found that it does. The Board required the respondent to show cause as to why its deletion of certain goods from the challenged registration should not result in an adverse judgment.

情報源: Trademark Board Addresses Registration Cancellations During Audit Deletion may result adversely in TTAB cancellation

Deletion may result adversely in TTAB cancellation

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商標登録insideNews: Trademark Audits: What Registrants Should Expect – Lexology

In 2017, the USPTO initiated an aggressive auditing program of U.S. trademark registrations at the time of maintenance filings. The goal of the program is to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the U.S. register by removing or narrowing registrations that include claims beyond the scope of the registrant’s actual use of its mark in U.S. commerce. The Office is on pace to audit 5000 registrations in 2020 so registrants who have not been tagged as yet should be prepared for an audit in the future.

情報源: Trademark Audits: What Registrants Should Expect – Lexology

商標登録insideNews: Fee Setting and Adjusting | USPTO

米国特許商標庁(uspto)で米国商標登録の出願料や維持費用についての値上げが検討されています。現段階は未だ意見募集の段階ですが、来年(2020)の3月にFederal Registerでの改定案が出され、7月に Federal Registerに最終案が発表され、来年(2020)の8月には実施予定となっています。現行の電子出願TEAS RFの275USDが350USDに、TEASPlusが225USDが250USDになる予定です。petitionの申請は100USDから250USD、Request for Reconsideration $400(new), Section 8 225USd, Section 15 225USD, Section 71 225USDが予定されています。また、新規な料金として、Audit(TTAB’s pleading)の後に商品や役務を削除する場合には、1つの商品、役務あたり100USDの費用を要することが予定されています。TTABは1区分辺り200USDの値上げを検討しています。

As part of the USPTO’s continued commitment to f

情報源: Fee Setting and Adjusting | USPTO

米国特許商標庁の使用証拠検査(audit)制度 37 CFR §2.161

使用証拠の登録後検査制度(Post-Registration Proof of Use Audit Program) 米国ての商標登録の登録後の手続に関しては、Bose事件(In re Bose Corporation, …

商標登録insideNew: How to Avoid Losing Trademarks to the USPTO Audit Program – Lexology

Preparation for USPTO Audit Program

Preparation for USPTO Audit Program

The USPTO Audit Program The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) recently announced that it will conduct random audits of about 10 percent of all post-registration Declaration of Use filings going forward. This is a permanent extension of a pilot program launched by the USPTO in March 2017, following reports of increases in fraudulent claims of use and overly broad listings of goods and services by trademark applicants

情報源: How to Avoid Losing Trademarks to the USPTO Audit Program – Lexology

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