商標登録insideNews: インド裁判所、アマゾンに商標権侵害で賠償命令 3900万ドル | Reuters



インドの裁判所は、米アマゾン(AMZN.O), opens new tabの子会社が商標権を侵害した商品をインドの通販サイトで販売したとして39MUSD (約58億円)の損害賠償を命じた。裁判所の命令が26日明らかになった。ライフスタイル・エクイティーズ社が保有する「ビバリーヒルズポロクラブ」の商標権を侵害したとしている。インドの法律関係者によると、同国の商標権訴訟で米国企業に命じられた損害賠償としては過去最高額とみられる。

情報源:インド裁判所、アマゾンに商標権侵害で賠償命令 3900万ドル
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: インド裁判所、アマゾンに商標権侵害で賠償命令 3900万ドル | Reuters”

商標登録insideNews: Europe top court rules Amazon should not sell third party knock-off Louboutin shoes | Euronews

ECJ held Amazon could be responsible for third party’s TM infringement

Retail giant Amazon could be held responsible when third-party sellers misuse trademarks on its site.The European Court of Justice (ECJ) made the ruling on Thursday, after courts in Belgium and Luxembourg asked for its opinion on a case raised by French shoemaker Christian Louboutin in 2019.Louboutin argued that Amazon was breaching trademark rights by capitalising on its trademark red sole and enabling third-party sellers to offer “identical” products without the brand’s consent.

情報源: Europe top court rules Amazon should not sell third party knock-off Louboutin shoes | EuronewsECJ held Amazon could be responsible for third party's TM infringement

Palais de la Cour de Justice, Kirchberg, Luxembourg

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Europe top court rules Amazon should not sell third party knock-off Louboutin shoes | Euronews”

Amazon Seller University 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)

1. Amazon Brand Registry, 16;54

Amazon Brand Registry

2.Lightning Talk: Introduction to Brand Benefits on Amazon, 7:17

Lightning Talk: Introduction to Brand Benefits on Amazon

3.Keynote: Building Your Brand in Amazon’s Stores, 25:42

Keynote: Building Your Brand in Amazon’s Stores

4.Build your Brand Through Amazon Advertising, 18:52

Build your Brand Through Amazon Advertising

続きを読む“Amazon Seller University 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)”

自社ブランドを育てよう Amazonで売る (Sell on Amazon) 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)


自社ブランドを育てよう Amazonで売る
1.Amazonブランド登録の概要 | Amazonで自社ブランドを育てよう 2.新しいブランドを登録する方法 | Amazonで自社ブランドを育てよう 3.ブランド所有者になるメリット | Amazonで自社ブランドを育てよう 4.ブランド所有者 ー 役割の追加と削除 | Amazonで自社ブランドを育てよう 5.出品情報にA+コンテンツを追加する方法 | Amazonで自社ブランドを育てよう 6.A+コンテンツを作成するためのベストプラクティス | Amazonで自社ブランドを育てよう 7.Amazonでストアを構築 | Amazonで自社ブランドを育てよう


続きを読む“自社ブランドを育てよう Amazonで売る (Sell on Amazon) 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)”

商標登録insideNews: Amazon expands IP Accelerator to Europe after US SMBs register 6,000 trademarks | TechCrunch

IP Accelerator

As we head into the biggest shopping period of the year — which this year may well have an even stronger online component than usual because of COVID-19 — Amazon has launched its latest effort to combat the sale of counterfeit goods on its site. The e-commerce giant today announced that its IP Accelerator is […]

情報源: Amazon expands IP Accelerator to Europe after US SMBs register 6,000 trademarks | TechCrunch

Amazonは11月25日、IP Acceleratorが欧州(特にフランス、ドイツ、イタリア、スペイン、オランダ、英国)で利用できるようになったと発表した。

情報源: 偽造品販売撲滅のためアマゾンが中小企業向け知的財産保護プログラムを欧州で展開 | TechCrunch Japan

Amazon Brand Registry, 16:54

Amazon Brand Registry

商標登録insideNews: Amazon Sued for Trademark Infringement – Tech | lawstreetmedia.com

Last Thursday, Shenzhen Qianhai Phoenix Networks Co., Ltd. (Phoenix Networks) sued Amazon.com Services, LLC and Amazon.com, Inc. (collectively Amazon) for trademark infringement of the plaintiff’s mark on its “surgical-type face masks.” The Northern District of Illinois lawsuit seeks injunctive relief and damages from the e-commerce defendants.

情報源: Amazon Sued for Trademark Infringement – Tech

商標登録insideNews: Amazon just filed a bunch of international trademarks for ‘Amazon Pharmacy’ | CNBC

Amazon has filed to trademark ‘Amazon Pharmacy’ in Canada, the U.K. and Australia, signaling a potential move into selling prescription drugs outside of the U.S.According to the Canadian Intellectual Property Office website, Amazon filed for the patent on Jan. 9, 2020. The status is listed as pre-formalized. The trademark also lists other areas that Amazon Pharmacy could move into including surgical, medical dental instruments and pharmaceutical as well as medical and veterinary preparations.

情報源: Amazon files trademarks for ‘Amazon Pharmacy’ in UK, Australia, Canada

米オンライン小売り大手アマゾン・コムのオーストラリア子会社、アマゾン・オーストラリア(豪アマゾン)が「アマゾンファーマシー(Amazon Pharmacy)」の商標登録の申請をIPオーストラリア(オーストラリア知的財…

情報源: 豪アマゾンが事業拡大計画、薬局商標を申請 – NNA ASIA・オーストラリア・小売り・卸売り

How Amazon Could Disrupt Health Care, 7:24

商標登録insideNews: On Amazon, T-shirts with slogans like ‘Mama Bear’ expose frivolous-trademark feud | The Seattle Times

A growing number of sellers on Amazon.com’s platform are finding how painful it can be when Amazon’s absolute power over their small businesses meets a bureaucratic U.S. government system not built for the 21st century.The issue involves trademarks filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO), a federal agency meant to ensure brands big and small can protect their intellectual property. The office processes hundreds of thousands of trademark applications a year, and experts at a hearing this month warned Congress that spurious trademarks have overwhelmed the system.

情報源: On Amazon, T-shirts with slogans like ‘Mama Bear’ expose frivolous-trademark feud | The Seattle Times

A growing number of sellers on Amazon.com Inc.’s platform are finding how painful it can be when Amazon’s absolute power over their small businesses meets a bureaucratic U.S. government system not built for the 21st century.

情報源: On Amazon, T-Shirts With Slogans Expose Frivolous-Trademark Feud – The Washington Post

商標登録insideNews: Amazonが「AMAZONTUBE」の商標出願、Echo ShowやFire TV向けのYouTube競合サービスを検討中? | ロボスタ


この噂は「AMAZONTUBE」「OPENTUBE」という商標をAmazonがUSPTOへ出願したことに基づくもの (AMAZONTUBE 商標出願)。2017年12月5日付けであり、まさにAmazonとGoogleのYouTubeに関する騒動の渦中での出願タイミングである。

情報源: Amazonが「AMAZONTUBE」の商標出願、Echo ShowやFire TV向けのYouTube競合サービスを検討中? | ロボスタAMAZONTUBE 商標出願

Amazon applied for an “AmazonTube” trademark earlier this week, according to a filing found by TV Answer Man, as the company’s public feud with Google over accessing YouTube content on Amazon’s devices continues to escalate.

情報源: Amazon has filed for AmazonTube trademark as fight with YouTube gets pettier – The Verge

In the midst of all this, on Dec. 5 Amazon filed to get trademarks for two rather telling items, “AmazonTube” and “OpenTube.”

情報源: Amazon files to trademark AmazonTube

Serial Number 87709325
Filing Date December 5, 2017
Current Basis 1B
Original Filing Basis 1B
Owner (APPLICANT) Amazon Technologies, Inc. CORPORATION NEVADA ATTN: Trademarks 410 Terry Ave N Seattle WASHINGTON 98109
Goods and Services IC 009. IC 035. IC 038. IC 039. IC 041. IC 042. IC 045.

Serial Number 87709319
Filing Date December 5, 2017
Current Basis 1B
Original Filing Basis 1B
Owner (APPLICANT) Amazon Technologies, Inc. CORPORATION NEVADA ATTN: Trademarks 410 Terry Ave N Seattle WASHINGTON 98109
Goods and Services IC 009. IC 035. IC 038. IC 039. IC 041. IC 042. IC 045.

自社ブランドを育てよう Amazonで売る (Sell on Amazon) 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)