商標登録insideNews:「アイフォーン」名使用の対価は年1.5億円、アップルが日本企業へ支払い…商標権の威力 | 読売新聞オンライン

アイフォーン 使用料

【読売新聞】 [New門]は、旬のニュースを記者が解き明かすコーナーです。今回のテーマは「商標」。 世の中にあふれる様々な商品やサービスの名称である商標。ほかと区別する役割を果たしているだけでなく、認知度やイメージが高ければそれだけ

情報源: 「アイフォーン」名使用の対価は年1・5億円、アップルが日本企業へ支払い…商標権の威力 : 読売新聞オンライン

アイフォーン 使用料
登録日:平成20(2008)年 7月 4日
出願日:平成18(2006)年 9月 19日


続きを読む“商標登録insideNews:「アイフォーン」名使用の対価は年1.5億円、アップルが日本企業へ支払い…商標権の威力 | 読売新聞オンライン”

商標登録insideNews: Cheesehead trademark | Knijff Trademark Attorneys

Cheesehead EUTM filed

A rather peculiar trademark was recently filed with the European register: a hat in the shape of a cube of cheese. The European Trademarks Office considered that this shape mark was so different that it approved the application.

情報源: Cheesehead trademark

Trade mark number: 018769138
Type: Word
Filing date: 28/09/2022
Nice Classification: 25
Organisation: Foamation Inc.

Cheesehead EUTM filed
US Registration Number 4904102

Cheeseheads made in Milwaukee, 2:13

Cheeseheads made in Milwaukee
[コメント]Cheeseheadの商標が欧州に出願された訳は、Packersのweek5のゲーム(vs. New York Giants)がロンドンで10月9日にあったためだろうと推測しますが、そこから現在Packersは5連敗中で、今週はPackersは終わったのかどうか、名QBのロジャースの先発交代かの議論がなされています。Week6ではホームのLambeau FieldでPackersがNew York Jetsに敗れた際にCB S.GardnerがCheesehead帽を被りPackers Fanを煽って、最後はPackersのWR A. Lazardにcheesehead帽を落とされるという珍事件も発生しています。

商標登録insideNews: NFL successfully opposes ‘Superbowl’ trademark at UKIPO
Cheesehead / Novelty

商標登録insideNews:「全国的に認識されているもの」として、例外適用による登録「R-1」、「LG21」が文字商標に登録 | 株式会社 明治

R-1 LG21が商標登録

R-1 LG21が商標登録

株式会社 明治(代表取締役社長:松田 克也)は、お客さまに親しまれた当社の商品を守り続け、さらなる価値を提供していきたいという想いから、「明治プロビオヨーグルトR-1」ブランドの「R-1」、「明治プロビオヨーグルト LG21」ブランドの「LG21」を文字商標として商標登録しました。

情報源: 「全国的に認識されているもの」として、例外適用による登録「R-1」、「LG21」が文字商標に登録~3,000件以上の登録商標を持つ明治が、お客さまに明治らしさを届け続けるための取り組み~ | 2022年 | プレスリリース・お知らせ | 株式会社 明治 – Meiji Co., Ltd.R-1 LG21が商標登録

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews:「全国的に認識されているもの」として、例外適用による登録「R-1」、「LG21」が文字商標に登録 | 株式会社 明治”

商標登録insideNews:【商標の国際出願】標章の国際登録に関するマドリッド協定規則の改正(2022年11月1日施行)| 特許庁



規則第3規則(2)(b)の改正により、国際登録の出願人及び名義人は、世界知的所有権機関(WIPO)国際事務局に対して代理人を選任するためには、関連する公式様式を使用するように要求されます。また、規則第30規則(1)(b) の改正により、名義人は国際登録の更新を従来の満了日の 3箇月前より早い、6箇月前に行うことが可能になります。WIPO 国際事務局は名義人が必要な手数料を支払ったことを確認次第、当該更新を登録する満了日まで待たずに、国際登録の更新を登録し、当該更新証明書を発行し、指定締約国に通報します。

情報源: 【商標の国際出願】標章の国際登録に関するマドリッド協定規則改正(2022年11月1日施行)| 経済産業省 特許庁

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews:【商標の国際出願】標章の国際登録に関するマドリッド協定規則の改正(2022年11月1日施行)| 特許庁”

商標登録insideNews: Rolex looks to bring luxury watches to the Metaverse | Kitco News

Rolex files TM relating to NFTs

Rolex files TM relating to NFTs

Swiss luxury watchmaker Rolex is looking to get in on the Metaverse game as evidenced by a recent trademark application filing related to cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and virtual goods.The details of the trademark application Rolex filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) were tweeted by trademark and patent attorney Michael Kondoudis and indicate that the luxury watchmaker has extensive plans for its brand in the Metaverse.

情報源: Rolex looks to bring luxury watches to the Metaverse | Kitco News

Word Mark ROLEX
Serial Number 97655284
Filing Date October 31, 2022
Current Basis 1B
Owner (APPLICANT) Rolex Watch U.S.A., Inc. 665 Fifth Avenue New York NEW YORK 10022

Goods and Services of Ser. 97655284
IC 009. US 021 023 026 036 038. G & S: Downloadable electronic publications; downloadable podcasts and blogs; software; application software; computer application software; smartphones; mobile phones and computer tablets; downloadable game software; virtual reality software; augmented reality software; operating systems for virtual private networks; downloadable computer software for blockchain technology; downloadable software containing virtual objects, digital collectibles and non-fungible tokens (NFTs); downloadable digital files verified by non-fungible tokens (NFTs); downloadable computer software for use as digital wallets; software capable of displaying products virtually, such as works of art, photographs, images, sounds, avatars, watches, jewelry, eyeglasses, binoculars, eyeglass cases, clothing and accessories, caps, hats, scarves, belts, shoes, neckties, jackets, anoraks, gloves, rugs, bags, leather pouches, wallets, card holders, pencil cases, travel bags, jewelry boxes, manicure sets, knives, lighters, perfumes, candles, pens, key rings, mirrors, sporting goods, stuffed animals, security tokens for use as encryption devices; downloadable cryptographic keys for receiving and spending cryptocurrency; physical cryptocurrency wallets; smart watches; smart wristbands (measurement tools); smart rings; devices and instruments for processing data, adapted for personal use; global positioning devices and instruments; performance measurement, recording and evaluation devices and tools; smart glasses; virtual reality headsets and gloves

IC 014. US 002 027 028 050. G & S: Watches and chronometric instruments with digital codes, labels, tags and digital chips

IC 028. US 022 023 038 050. G & S: Video game devices; video game machines designed for use playing in a virtual environment

IC 035. US 100 101 102. G & S: Using any and all modes of communication to display products for retail sale; online advertising on computer networks; advertising on mobile phone networks; providing commercial information on websites; providing retail sales services for watches, jewelry and smart watches; online retail software sales for virtual stores that offer watch and jewelry products; online auction services for virtual objects, such as watches, art objects, digital collectibles and non-fungible tokens (NFTs); providing online spaces for buyers and sellers of virtual products such as watches and watch parts, digital collectibles, digital tokens and non-fungible tokens (NFTs); marketing through product placements in online games or virtual environments; providing online auction services; holding virtual interactive auctions; providing information and advice to consumers regarding clock and watch products, jewelry products and items for sale online; commercial information through websites, social media and search engines

IC 036. US 100 101 102. G & S: Financial matters; money matters; financial patronage and sponsorship services; financial and cryptocurrency transactions with the help of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and blockchain technologies; virtual currency exchange transactions; electronic transfer of currencies and virtual currencies; services managing assets in digital currencies (cryptocurrencies); providing information about currency exchange; providing online financial information

IC 038. US 100 101 104. G & S: Telecommunications, telecommunication services devoted to retail sales via interactive communications with clients; providing access to electronic stores (telecommunications), to electronic commerce platforms on the Internet; providing access to a market (portal) online for buyers and sellers on computer networks; providing access to an electronic marketplace; providing access to online libraries and stores for application software; providing access to online training services; providing access to virtual environments; providing access to metaverse platforms on the Internet and the mobile Internet; providing access to websites to register clock and watch products, jewelry products and smart watches; transmitting, broadcasting and receiving audio and video content, still and moving images, texts and data; broadcasting metaverse-related multimedia via the Internet; transmitting electronically and streaming digital media metaverse content for third parties via global and local computer networks; transmitting messages, data and content through the Internet and other computer and communication networks; transmitting electronic publications online; using chat rooms, chat lines and Internet forums to communicate electronically; communicating on virtual private networks; providing online chat sites, list servers and online forums to transmit messages among users; providing online chat rooms; providing audio, video and movie broadcasts on the web or any other communication system

IC 041. US 100 101 107. G & S: Providing online entertainment; entertainment services using virtual objects, digital objects and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) designed to be used for recreational activities; holding online games and competitions; offering online virtual reality game services; services organizing and holding online shows, seminars, conferences, conventions and forums; editing radio and television programs; producing movies; providing online videos (not for downloading); publishing printed products, including electronically, for purposes other than advertising; publishing magazines, journals, newspapers, periodicals, books and texts on the Internet in electronic format

IC 042. US 100 101. G & S: Designing and developing game and virtual reality software; developing metaverse software; developing software for virtual assets; non-downloadable computer software for designing, producing and modifying animated and non-animated digital designs for watches, smart watches and jewelry, as well as characters and avatars to be accessed and used in online environments, virtual environments and websites; providing downloadable and non-downloadable software and application software for mobile phones for business, viewing, storing and/or managing virtual objects, digital collectibles and non-fungible tokens; using blockchain technology to provide user verification services; electronic storage of data; developing and hosting e-commerce Internet platforms; developing and hosting virtual environment and metaverse platforms online; hosting platforms to generate and manage virtual assets and digital tokens; developing and hosting computer platforms based on blockchains to exchange and use value tokens, digital tokens, utility tokens, security tokens and blockchain tokens; programming software for computer platforms based on blockchains to exchange and use value tokens, digital tokens, utility tokens, security tokens and blockchain tokens; programming software for virtual environment platforms

IC 045. US 100 101. G & S: Granting licenses for software, computer programs and industrial property rights; granting movie, television, video, music and image licenses (legal department); providing online social networking services through a virtual or metaverse environment

ブロックチェーン・NFTと商標登録 暗号資産の取扱業者はどの様な商標登録をしているのか vol.1

1 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 439