有明国際特許事務所 事務所からのショート動画 vol.5 事務所からのショート動画 vol.4 有明国際特許事務所
Sato & Associates’ main business content is consultation, acquisition of rights, and consulting on intellectual property rights in general, including domestic and foreign patents, utility model registrations, design registrations, trademark registrations, and copyrights.
Under the Geographical Indication Protection System, two companies, Hatcho Miso (trade name: Kakukyu) and Maruya Hatcho Miso Co., Ltd., which have continued to make miso using traditional methods since the early Edo period. This system specifies the location of the production area. Regaining the original town name proposed by Okazaki city will lead to support for the review of the GI Protection System.
Date’s Anpo persimmon has already been registered as a regional collective trademark No. 6046830, and this time it will be registered as a GI.
IP Key SEA – Workshop to Enhance Geographical Indications Systems
1)IP Key SEA – Geographical Indications and the Economic Value to the European Union
2)IP Key SEA- Geographical Indications for Craft and Industrial Products: Proposal for a New EU Scheme
3)IP Key SEA – GIview
4)IP Key SEA – Main Features of Malaysia’s Geographical Indications Act 2022
5)IP Key SEA – Developing A Sui Generis GI System in the Philippines: Support to Rural Communities