商標登録insideNews: Trademark Modernization Act: What we learned after one year | thompsoncoburn.com
TMA Aftermarth
The Trademark Modernization Act (the “TMA”), which went into effect in December 2021, allowed for two new procedures – “expungement” and “reexamination” – for cancelling deadwood trademark registrations…..Filing DataAfter one year, there have been 207 total third-party petitions filed – 105 expungements and 102 reexaminations. There have been 33 Director-instituted proceedings.
情報源: Trademark Modernization Act: What we learned after one year
米国商標近代化法 (TMA, Trademark Modernization Act 2020)の概要
オーストラリア知的財産庁(IP Australia) vol.31 商標_動画(embedded)
オーストラリア知的財産庁 動画
他人の知的財産権に異議を申し立てる方法 101
海外での商標出願の概要(IP オーストラリアおよび世界 IP 機構)
続きを読む“オーストラリア知的財産庁(IP Australia) vol.31 商標_動画(embedded)”
商標登録insideNews: 電流爆破の商標を狙う裏に世界戦略 高木三四郎が明かす「大仁田の首を狙う理由」 | 東スポWEB
情報源: 【DDT】電流爆破の商標を狙う裏に世界戦略 高木三四郎が明かす「大仁田の首を狙う理由」 | 東スポWEB
商標登録insideNews: 大仁田厚が電流爆破戦乱発にクギ 商標登録出願 | 東スポ
If Takagi’s army were defeated, the loser would hand over their post in DDT to the winner, and if they won directly against Onita, they would transfer the trademark of “current bombing” to DDT.
商標登録insideNews: Europe top court rules Amazon should not sell third party knock-off Louboutin shoes | Euronews
ECJ held Amazon could be responsible for third party’s TM infringement
Retail giant Amazon could be held responsible when third-party sellers misuse trademarks on its site.The European Court of Justice (ECJ) made the ruling on Thursday, after courts in Belgium and Luxembourg asked for its opinion on a case raised by French shoemaker Christian Louboutin in 2019.Louboutin argued that Amazon was breaching trademark rights by capitalising on its trademark red sole and enabling third-party sellers to offer “identical” products without the brand’s consent.
情報源: Europe top court rules Amazon should not sell third party knock-off Louboutin shoes | Euronews
商標登録insideNews: Trademark ID Manual updates incorporate green tech | USPTO
ID Manual added G&S relating to Green Tech
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is adding new terms to the Trademark ID Manual to cover goods and services that address climate change, or green tech. The new terms allow more trademark applicants who offer green tech to file using TEAS Plus and pay a lower application fee. We’ve added over 75 terms so far, including biomethane, research and development in the field of wind energy, and treatment of captured landfill gas.
情報源: Trademark ID Manual updates incorporate green tech
Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad
商標登録insideNews: Retirement of Trademarks legacy ID Manual | USPTO
(ID Manual added G&S relating to Green Tech)
北海道 地域ブランド・商標登録 全国ご当地名産品 vol.1-2
北海道 地域ブランド・商標登録
北海道 地域ブランドとして、農産物と畜産物は広い大地を生かした業務形態となり、冷涼な気候に恵まれ、内地とは異なる大規模な生産活動が行われています。
北海道の地域ブランド 畜産物
1.農業のチカラ第1回 「十勝の和牛を知る」、9:30
十勝和牛(商標登録第5443137号)は、2011年に地域団体商標に登録されています。十勝和牛は黒毛和種で、ホルスタインと雑種系の十勝牛とは異なっており、広大な大地と「十勝晴れ」と呼ばれる長い日照時間が特長の十勝で、太陽をいっぱいに浴びて育った和牛です。農業のチカラ第2回 農業のチカラ(第3回・第4回)