商標登録insideNews: Hermès Denied Reg. in Japan for Orange Packaging Trademark
Hermès Orange Packaging Trademark Denied in Japan
Hermès has been handed a loss in the latest round of a bid to register its use of orange and brown on product packaging as a trademark in Japan. On the heels of the Japan Patent Office (“JPO”) refusing to register the mark on the basis that the color combination is not necessarily an indicator of source, the JPO’s Appeals Board rejected the Birkin bag-maker’s appeal, finding that Hermès selected its orange and brown-hued packaging “to enhance the impression and aesthetics of goods and services,” and that they are “not recognized to indicate the origin of goods or services and distinguish them from competitors.”
情報源: Hermès Denied Reg. in Japan for Orange Packaging Trademark
Hermès | Astonishing orange. 0:10
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タイ ウッデイインタビュー (Woody Interview) กรมทรัพย์สินทางปัญญา
Woody interview with DIP
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商標登録insideNews:「商標登録も申請」みやぎオリーブ銀ザケのお味は?“オリーブをエサに混ぜて養殖”宮城・石巻市 | TBS NEWS DIG
みやぎオリーブ銀ザケ 試食会
宮城県の石巻市特産のオリーブをエサに混ぜて育てた、「オリーブギンザケ」の試食会が5日、開かれました。「やわらかくておいしい」と味わった人たちの評価は上々でした。「オリーブギンザケご試食いかがですか!… (1ページ)
情報源: 「商標登録も申請」みやぎオリーブ銀ザケのお味は?“オリーブをエサに混ぜて養殖”宮城・石巻市 | TBS NEWS DIG (1ページ)
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商標登録insideNews: EUIPO unveils new and improved website | EUIPO
EUIPO launches New Website
Customer focus and an enhanced user experience are the guiding principles of a new EUIPO website that will be unveiled on 24 April 2023. The revamped website is designed to serve the needs of both IP professionals and non-experts alike and will contain several innovative new features, including a fresh look and feel, content tailored to different audience segments and an improved integrated search engine.
情報源: EUIPO – EUIPO unveils new and improved website