米国商標実務 類否判断におけるAnti-Dissection Rule TMEP§1207.01
Anti-dissection rule(反分断則*)とは Anti-dissection rule (反分断則)とは、2つの商標の類否を判断する際に、原則的に全体として比較され、一部だけ抽出して類似しているという判断は …
英国ビジネス・通商省(UK DBT) 商標_動画 vol.1
英国ビジネス・通商省 動画
1.What are geographical indications?, 1:37
商標登録insideNews: Taco Bell is fighting to cancel the ‘Taco Tuesday’ trademark | CNN Business
Taco Bell filed a petiton to cancel Taco Tuesday trademark
The taco chain filed a petition Tuesday (naturally) with the US Patent and Trademark office to cancel the trademark, owned by rival Taco John’s for 34 years, because Taco Bell claims the commonly used phrase “should be freely available to all who make, sell, eat and celebrate tacos.”
情報源: Taco Bell is fighting to cancel the ‘Taco Tuesday’ trademark | CNN Business
Taco Tuesday’ trademark tiff flares anew between fast food competitors, 0:34
What’s the True History of Taco Tuesday? – Backyard Taco
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Taco Bell is fighting to cancel the ‘Taco Tuesday’ trademark | CNN Business”
米国特許商標庁 (USPTO) 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.40
米国特許商標庁 動画
続きを読む“米国特許商標庁 (USPTO) 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.40”