チリ産業財産権庁(INAPI) vol.6 商標_動画 (embedded)

チリ産業財産権庁 動画

Taller INAPI: Cómo clasificar tu marca 31/01/2023、53:59 

Taller INAPI: Cómo clasificar tu marca 31/01/2023

続きを読む“チリ産業財産権庁(INAPI) vol.6 商標_動画 (embedded)”


公益財団法人東京都中小企業振興公社 商標_動画(embedded)vol.3

東京都中小企業振興公社 助成事業 動画

1.新製品・新技術開発助成事業 概要説明、7:29 東京都中小企業振興公社 助成事業 動画

新製品・新技術開発助成事業 概要説明

令和5年から助成申込はJGrantsを利用します。令和5年は直接人件費の上限が1000万円まで引き上げられています。助成限度額は1500万円まで、助成比率は1/2以内です。対象となる経費は、原材料・副資材費、機械装置・工具器具費、委託・外注費、産業財産権出願・導入費、専門家指導費、直接人件費で、特に産業財産権出願・導入費は、特許出願や商標権の取得のための費用を指しています。助成対象期間 令和5年9月1日~令和7年5月31日(最長1年9ヶ月)申込受付期間は3月13日(月曜)~4月5日(水曜)17時です。

続きを読む“公益財団法人東京都中小企業振興公社 商標_動画(embedded)vol.3”


欧州連合国際知的財産協力(EU International Intellectual Property Cooperation) 商標_動画 vol.15 (embedded/playlist)


From EUIP Cooperation youtube channel (ARISE+ 動画)

  1. ARISE + IPR – Marketing strategies and plans for GI products, 31:23
  2. ARISE + IPR – Individual and collective marketing for GI products: Challenges and Opportunities, 26:30
  3. ARISE + IPR – Sharing Experience from GI producers on Marketing and Promotion Strategies, 26:28
  4. ARISE + IPR – Sharing Experience from GI producers on Marketing and Promotion Strategies, 27:44
  5. ARISE + IPR – GI Infringements and how to enforce your GIs right, 32:19
  6. ARISE + IPR – How to protect GIs abroad: Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement, 25:06
  7. ARISE + IPR – Sharing Experience from GI producers on GI protection and enforcement, 18:40
  8. ARISE + IPR – Sharing Experience from GI producers on GI protection and enforcement, 19:16

続きを読む“欧州連合国際知的財産協力(EU International Intellectual Property Cooperation) 商標_動画 vol.15 (embedded/playlist)”


商標登録insideNew: Trademark Board Addresses Registration Cancellations During Audit | natlawreview.com–Trigger Rule 2.134?

Deletion may result adversely in TTAB cancellation

The Trademark Trial & Appeal Board (Board) addressed, for the first time, whether the deletion of goods and services as a result of a post-registration audit during a cancellation proceeding triggers Trademark Rule 2.134 and found that it does. The Board required the respondent to show cause as to why its deletion of certain goods from the challenged registration should not result in an adverse judgment.

情報源: Trademark Board Addresses Registration Cancellations During Audit Deletion may result adversely in TTAB cancellation

Deletion may result adversely in TTAB cancellation

続きを読む“商標登録insideNew: Trademark Board Addresses Registration Cancellations During Audit | natlawreview.com–Trigger Rule 2.134?”


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