世界知的所有権機関 動画
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続きを読む“世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.60 商標_動画(embedded)”
記者会見: 世界知的財産指標2020年報告書
続きを読む“世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.59 商標_動画(embedded)”
続きを読む“世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.58 商標_動画(embedded)”
The Global Brand Database now includes the collection of India with about 2 million records. This brings to 64 the number of national/regional collections available in the Global Brand Database.
Iceland becomes the first Nordic country to offer the Madrid e-Filing service to trademark users, following Bulgaria a few weeks beforehand.
情報源: Welcoming Iceland to the Madrid e-Filing Community
You can now file an international trademark application through Madrid e-Filing by the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) via the ISIPO. The electronic service is paperless, user friendly and safe. An international trademark application must be based on a national application that will be registered later, or on a pre-existing Icelandic registration. The application can be filed in four simple steps:
情報源: Madrid e-Filing available via the ISIPO | Hugverkastofan
The number of IP Offices using this WIPO solution has rapidly risen from three in 2018 to ten today: the Benelux, Australia, Georgia, Austria, Lithuania, Estonia, Canada, the Republic of Moldova, Bulgaria, and now Iceland.
On October 12, 2020, the Government of Trinidad and Tobago deposited its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol with WIPO’s Director General, making Trinidad and Tobago the 107th member of the Madrid System, which now covers 123 countries. The Protocol will enter into force for Trinidad and Tobago on January 12, 2021.
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続きを読む“世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.56 商標_動画(embedded/playlists)”
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) today launched WIPO Lex-Judgments, a new database providing free-of-charge access to leading judicial decisions related to IP law from around the world.
情報源: WIPO Launches New Free Database of Judicial Decisions on Intellectual Property from Around the World
WIPO Lexデータベース検索により、法律、条約、判決のコレクションの中から52700の法的文書にアクセスできます。現状での使用可能な国は、オーストラリア、ブラジル、チリ、中国、コスタリカ、ジャマイカ、メキシコ、ペルー、韓国、スペインとなっています。
Helping users to classify trademark images according to the Vienna Classification more easily.