米国特許商標庁 動画
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続きを読む“米国特許商標庁 (USPTO) 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.39”
続きを読む“米国特許商標庁 (USPTO) 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.38”
New trademark decisions and proceedings search tool launched The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) launched a new, user-friendly search tool on February 17. The search tool allows you to filter and sort information to find decisions more easily on: Expungement and reexamination proceedings and Administrative and sanctions orders
情報源: New trademark decisions and proceedings search tool launched | USPTO
抹消手続(Expungement)と再審査手続(reexamination)の決定, 及び行政上の制裁命令(sanctions orders)に特化したデータベースで、2023年2月17日から利用開始されています。
米国商標近代化法 (TMA, Trademark Modernization Act 2020)の概要
Today at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO) Women’s Entrepreneurship (WE) event in Naples, Florida, Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office Kathi Vidal announced the launch of the agency’s new Intellectual Property (IP) Identifier tool. This user-friendly, virtual resource— designed for those who are less familiar with IP—enables users to identify whether they have IP and the IP protections they need to support and advance their business, invention, or brand.
情報源: USPTO introduces new tool to help creators identify their intellectual property | USPTO
IP Identifier (USPTO launches a new IP Identifier tool)
世界知的所有権機関(WIPO)の商標検索ツール 無料で使えるツール10選 商標登録 検索vol.6
WIPOにはIP Diagnosticsと呼ばれる同様のツールがあります。
Nike is looking to block the registration of a trademark that plays on its famed “Just Do It” slogan. In the opposition that it initiated with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (“TTAB”) on Tuesday, counsel for Nike asserts that the sportswear giant stands to be damaged if Tacvue, Inc.’s application for JUST DAO IT is registered by the trademark office.
情報源: Nike is Angling to Block Registration of JUST DAO IT Trademark
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is adding new terms to the Trademark ID Manual to cover goods and services that address climate change, or green tech. The new terms allow more trademark applicants who offer green tech to file using TEAS Plus and pay a lower application fee. We’ve added over 75 terms so far, including biomethane, research and development in the field of wind energy, and treatment of captured landfill gas.
情報源: Trademark ID Manual updates incorporate green tech
Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad
商標登録insideNews: Retirement of Trademarks legacy ID Manual | USPTO
(ID Manual added G&S relating to Green Tech)
You may have noticed a new feature on some Trademark webpages. We recently launched the USPTO Virtual Assistant to enhance customer service by providing immediate, targeted answers to common customer questions. Initially a beta release focusing on trademark content, we plan to eventually add the Virtual Assistant to more USPTO webpages and include patent-related information.
In a final rule issued October 13, 2022, the USPTO has delayed the effective dates of these changes. The change to three months for responses to office actions will now go into effect on December 3, 2022 – a two-day delay. The change in the response period for examination of post-registration filings will now go into effect on October 7, 2023 – an approximate ten-month delay.
米国商標近代化法 (TMA, Trademark Modernization Act 2020)の概要