タグ: 台湾
台湾司法院 商標_動画(embedded) vol.1
台湾司法院 動画
商標登録insideNews:TIPO updates concordances of goods and services between Taiwanese and Japanese in accordance with the latest NCL (11-2018) | 台湾經濟部智慧財產局
As the 2018 version of the 11th edition of the Nice Classification (NCL) came into force on January 1, 2018, TIPO updated the concordances of goods and services and their relevant classes as well as those of the Japan Patent Office (JPO) on its website accordingly.
商標登録insideNews: 日台類似群コード対応表(ニース国際分類[第11-2018版]対応)の公表について | 経済産業省 特許庁
日台類似群コード対応表 公表
情報源: 日台類似群コード対応表(ニース国際分類[第11-2018版]対応)の公表について | 経済産業省 特許庁
台湾日本関係協会 日台類似群コード対応表(ニース国際分類[第11-2022版]対応)
商標登録insideNews: 智慧財產局商標主題網-最新消息-商標布告欄-公告「臺日尼斯分類商品及服務類似組群碼對應表(第11-2021版)」
日台類似群コード対応表(ニース国際分類[第11-2022版]対応)の公表について | 経済産業省 特許庁
A similar group code is a code that groups products and services that are presumed to be similar to each other in trademark examination. JPO aims to improve the predictability of examination results by having users who file trademark applications in Japan and Taiwan use this correspondence table when searching for previously filed trademarks.
台湾財政部關務署 商標_動画(embedded)vol.1
台湾財政部關務署 動画
商標登録insideNews: 專利及商標電子證書服務將自112年開跑 | 台湾 經濟部智慧財產局 (TIPO)
Customs Administration, which is subordinate to the Ministry of Finance, is responsible for the planning, implementation, and management of customs policies and the promulgation of customs-related laws and regulations.
台湾經濟部智慧財產局 (TIPO) vol.1 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)
台湾經濟部智慧財產局 動画
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アジア商標関連NEWS 商標_動画(リンク)
1.台製信州味噌 被日本認證偽裝貨│中視新聞20170413、2:20
2.MBC충북 NEWS 170807 상표분쟁 남의 일 아니다、2:02
3.Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in Mumbai first Indian building to get trademark、1:17
台湾の商標登録を検索(商標檢索系統)🔍 商標登録 検索vol.11
台湾の商標登録を商標検索系統で検索 台湾の智慧財產局(TIPO)の商標登録を検索する商標検索系統が2017年7月14日に新しくなりました。より使いやすいユーザインターフェースが導入され、商標毎のタイムラインを表示して進捗 …
雙語辭彙(Bilingual vocabulary)
台湾 經濟部智慧財產局のサイトより抜粋
商標法 Trademark Act
商標法施行細則 Enforcement Rules of the Trademark Act
商標審查官資格條例 Trademark Examiner Qualification Statute
海關查扣侵害商標權物品實施辦法 Implementation Regulations for Customs Authorities to Suspend Goods Infringing on Trademark Rights
商標規費收費準則 Regulations of Trademark Fees
商標法第23條第1項第12款著名商標保護審查基準 Examination Guidelines for the Protection of Well-known Trademarks under Article 23, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 12 of the Trademark Act
證明標章、團體商標及團體標章審查基準 Examination Guidelines on Certification Marks, Collective Trademarks and Collective Membership Marks
立體、顏色及聲音商標審查基準 Examination Guidelines for Three-Dimensional, Color, and Sound Trademarks
「混淆誤認之虞」審查基準 Examination Guidelines on “Likelihood of Confusion”
審定核駁理由先行通知實施要點 Main Points for Advance Notices of Reasons for Disapproving Trademark Applications
商標法利害關係人認定要點 Main Points for Determining An Interested Party under the Trademark Act
聲明不專用審查要點 Main Points for Examination of Disclaimers
零售服務標章註冊審查要點 Main Points for Examination of Service Mark Applications for Retail Services
零售服務審查基準(草案) Examination Guidelines on Retail Services (draft)
商標鑑定案件作業程序 Operational Procedures for Trademark Advisory Opinion Cases
商標審查人員提請評定商標註冊無效作業要點 Operational Points for Filing, Ex Officio, an Invalidation of a Trademark Registration by Trademark Examiners
大陸地區人民在臺申請專利及商標註冊作業要點 Operational Points Regarding Application for Patent and Trademark Registrations in Taiwan by Mainland Chinese People
商標爭議案件聽證作業要點 Operational Procedures on Hearings for Trademark Dispute Cases
商品及服務分類暨相互檢索參考資料 Classification and Cross Reference Index for Goods and Services
與貿易有關之智慧財產權協定 Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement)
商標法條約 Trademark Law Treaty (TLT)
商標法新加坡條約 Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks
馬德里體系(關於商標國際註冊馬德里協定及馬德里議定書) Madrid System (Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks and Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement)
保護原產地名稱及其國際註冊之里斯本協定(里斯本協定) Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration (Lisbon Agreement)
來源地標示 Indications of Source
地理標示 Geographical Indications (GI)
受保護原產地名稱 Protected Designation of Origin (PDO)
商標註冊用商品與服務國際分類尼斯協定(尼斯分類) Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks (Nice Classification)
建立商標圖形要素國際分類維也納協定(維也納分類) Vienna Agreement Establishing an International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks (Vienna Classification)
反網域名稱搶註消費者保護法 Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA)
商標搶註(商標蟑螂) trademark squatting
商標公報 Trademark Official Gazette
商標代理人(商標律師) trademark agent (trademark attorney)
使用聲明之修正 Amendment to Allege Use(AAU)
商標的拋棄 abandonment of a trademark
延展註冊 renewals of registration
絕對事由 absolute ground
相對事由 relative ground
商標異議 trademark opposition
商標評定 trademark invalidation
商標廢止 trademark revocation
著名商標 well-known trademarks
非傳統商標 non-traditional marks
全像圖商標(雷射商標) hologram marks
動態商標(多媒體商標) motion marks (multimedia marks)
位置商標 position marks
手勢商標 gesture marks
氣味商標(嗅覺商標) scent marks (olfactory marks)
味道(味覺)商標 taste marks
觸覺商標(材質商標) feel marks (texture marks)
營業包裝 trade dress
商標圖樣 trademark representation
取得識別性、後天識別性 acquired distinctiveness
第二意義 secondary meaning
商譽 goodwill
商標識別性 trademark distinctiveness
商標淡化(減損) trademark dilution
混淆誤認之虞 likelihood of confusion
商標共有 trademark co-ownership