商標登録insideNews: Trademark infringement and procedural rules 米国最高裁動向(2022.2) | SCOTUSblog 

米国最高裁動向(2022.2) 商標

This week we highlight cert petitions that ask the Supreme Court to consider, among other things, whether the holder of a U.S. trademark can win damages for trademark infringements in foreign sales, and whether the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure or Civil Procedure govern a wrongful-death case

情報源: Trademark infringement and procedural rules – SCOTUSblog

U.S. Supreme Court 米国最高裁
U.S. Supreme Court, Washington D.C.

Abitron Austria GmbH v. Hetronic International, Inc.
Roy v. Canadian Pacific Railway Company
米国商標登録出願(直接)† 手続概要と費用


米国移民関税執行局 (ICE) vol.6 商標_動画 (embedded)

米国移民関税執行局 動画

米国移民関税執行局 動画
NFLの第56回スーパーボウルは、2021年2月13日にカリフォルニア州のロサンゼルスで行われ、チーフスを破って接戦をものにした2年目QBバローが率いるベンガルズと、49ersを破りライアオンズから移籍したQBマシューズを中心とするラムズが激突します。Sofiスタジアムはラムズが本拠地となるスタジアムですが、何故かホームではないそうです。スーパーボールのグッズの売上には知的財産は欠かせないところで、その裏方として米国移民関税執行局などのICE/HSI(Homeland Security Investigation)のIPR Operationがあります。

続きを読む“米国移民関税執行局 (ICE) vol.6 商標_動画 (embedded)”


商標登録insideNews: Trademarks Administrative Sanctions Process | Federal Register

As part of the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO or Office) continuing efforts to protect the integrity of the U.S. trademark register, the Commissioner for Trademarks (Commissioner) has established an administrative process for investigating submissions filed with the USPTO in trademark matters that appear to violate the Trademark Rules of Practice, including the rules concerning signatures, certificates, and representation of others in trademark matters before the USPTO (collectively, the USPTO rules), and/or the USPTO website’s Terms of Use; and imposing sanctions, as appropriate.

情報源: Federal Register :: Trademarks Administrative Sanctions Process




商標登録insideNews: Applications impacted by show cause order issued to Abtach Ltd., 360 Digital Marketing LLC, and Retrocube LLC | USPTO

Applications filed by an entity listed in the Show Cause Order issued to Abtach Ltd., 360 Digital Marketing LLC, and Retrocube LLC on November 3, 2021 have been suspended. These entities are accused of committing fraud on applicants and the USPTO. Be suspicious of requests for additional fees; the USPTO does not require fees to respond to a show cause order. 

情報源: Applications impacted by show cause order issued to Abtach Ltd., 360 Digital Marketing LLC, and Retrocube LLC | USPTO

[2021.12.16 追記]

On December 10, 2021, the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) issued a final order for sanctions against Yusha Zhang and Shenzhen Huanyee Intellectual Property Co.,

情報源: USPTO: Yusha Zhang & Shenzhen Huanyee Intellectual Property Co Sanctioned

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: Applications impacted by show cause order issued to Abtach Ltd., 360 Digital Marketing LLC, and Retrocube LLC | USPTO”


全米知的財産権調整センター(National IPR Center: NIPRCC) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.2

全米知的財産権調整センター 動画

全米知的財産権調整センター 動画

ホリデーシーズンを見据えた11月の最終の週末を挟む、11月26日はBlack Fridayと11月29日はCyber Mondayと呼ばれて、消費者の購買意欲に便乗しつつ、特売などを含めた特別な週末となっています。米国政府は、偽物などを誤って買わないよう呼びかける動画を公開しています。

続きを読む“全米知的財産権調整センター(National IPR Center: NIPRCC) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.2”


商標登録insideNews: USPTO implements the Trademark Modernization Act | USPTO

Regulations implementing the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 (TMA) will go into effect on December 18, 2021. Individuals, businesses, and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will now have new tools to clear away unused registered trademarks from the federal trademark register as of December 18, 2021, and the USPTO will have the ability to move applications through the registration process more efficiently as of December 1, 2022.The new ex parte expungement and reexamination proceedings provide a faster, more efficient, and less expensive alternative to a contested inter partes cancelation proceeding at the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB).

情報源: USPTO implements the Trademark Modernization Act | USPTO

Trademark Modernization Act will start Dec. 18th, 2021


The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office yesterday published a final rule implementing the Trademark Modernization Act of 2020 (TMA), which was signed into law as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2020 last year.

情報源: Final Rule Implementing Trademark Modernization Act Will Soon Allow USPTO to Crack Down on Fraudulent Filings from China


商標登録insideNews: US trademark filing activity is on the decline: is it indicative of a dwindling economy? | World Trademark Review

In an exclusive guest post, it is revealed that US trademark filings could see the first decline in over a decade – and the reason for the unexpected fall could be a concern for the wider economic condition.

情報源: US trademark filing activity is on the decline: is it indicative of a dwindling economy? | World Trademark Review
