Otter Products LLC of Fort Collins filed a complaint Aug. 7 in U.S. District Court for the Central District of California against Michelle J. Blaiwes, Max N. Langen and Does 1-10, alleging they sell counterfeit copies of the plaintiff’s products.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit reaffirmed its commitment to the rule that willfulness is a prerequisite for disgorgement of a trademark infringer’s profits in Stone Creek v. Omnia Italian Design… United States Intellectual Property Fenwick & West LLP 27 Jul 2017
Kroger now says its newly established rival’s house brand, Preferred Selection, too closely resembles Kroger’s house brand, Private Selection. As a result, the U.S. firm suggests customers may be led to believe that the two companies are associated, giving Lidl an unfair advantage.
米国スポーツシューズ製造の新百伦(New Balance)は、その商標の紛争では、1年前に98 million RMBの支払い(廣東省法院)を命じられましたが、今回、斜めのNのロゴについては勝利して、5つの靴製造会社と販売会社に $250,000に支払うように命じられています。
BEIJING — New Balance has won a rare legal victory in China in an intellectual property dispute: A court has ordered five shoe manufacturers and sellers to pay the state $250,000 for using the American shoemaker’s signature slanting “N” logo.
スターウォーズでは欠かせないライトセーバーについて、ディズニーの子会社のルーカスフィルムは譲れないところがあったと思いますが、訴訟提起もライセンス交渉のうちの1つの手段かなとも思います。なおカリフォルニア州北地区連邦地裁(NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION)に提出された訴状(Case 3:16-cv-05968 Document 1 Filed 10/14/16 )を見ると、商標権侵害(Trademark Infringement)、出所についての虚偽(False Designation of Origin)、連邦商標希釈化(Federal Trademark Dilution)、ドメイン不当占拠(Cybersquatting)、不正競争防止の州法( Unfair Competition Under California Unfair Business Practices Act and Common Law)、州法の商標希釈化(Dilution Under California Law)を訴因として挙げております。
Lucasfilm, one of the main companies behind the Star Wars franchise, is suing a California man whose companies offer lightsaber classes, a Jedi school, and various related events. According to the movie outfit, the companies continue to infringe its various trademarks, despite explicit objections.