商標登録insideNews: GI取得記念 みやぎサーモン押し寿司いかが 仙台駅で6千個を限定販売 – 石巻日日新聞
商標登録insideNews: Myanmar Update: Prepare Now for the New Trademark Law – Lexology
A modern trademark system in Myanmar could be only months away with the draft trademark law currently under review by the Myanmar Parliament.
情報源: Myanmar Update: Prepare Now for the New Trademark Law – Lexology
商標登録insideNews: Taylor Swift plans to trademark ‘Reputation’ phrases including ‘The old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now’
Taylor Swift might have pulled off yet another savvy business move by adding a collection of key phrases from her new album Reputation to her growing list of trademarked titles and lyrics.Trademarked phrases will include the song title ‘Look What You Made Me Do’ and lyric ‘The old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now’, according to TMZ.
Taylor Swift – Look What You Made Me Do、4:15
商標登録insideNews: Iancu Nominated for USPTO Director – Maier & Maier
It was announced on Friday, August 25, 2017, that Andrei Iancu has been nominated for Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Iancu will replace Joseph Matal, who has been serving as interim Director since Michelle Lee’s resignation in June.
情報源: Iancu Nominated for USPTO Director – Maier & Maier – Patent Attorneys
商標登録InsideNews: イチゴ「スカイベリー」日本産また“標的” 中国で第三者商標登録|日本農業新聞

情報源: 日本農業新聞(オリジナル) – イチゴ「スカイベリー」 日本産また“標的” 中国で第三者商標登録 | news.livedoor.com/
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商標登録insidenews: New law boosts trade mark registrations : CNS Business
[コメント] ケイマン諸島での商標登録は、従前は英国知的財産庁や欧州連合知的財産庁で登録して、それを確認する形式で行われてきましたが、2017年8月1日からの新しい法律の下では直接の出願が可能となり、費用も安く早く登録できるように改善されています。The updated legislative framework allows for companies and individuals to register their trade marks in Cayman in a cost-effective and timely manner. Previously, the brands would be registered in the UK and then the holder would apply to get that extended to Cayman, a process, though straightforward, that could prove timely and expensive.