商標登録insideNews: Fintech boom drives record number of trade mark applications by UK finance firms | The Independent

A boom in new fintech innovations saw UK financial services firms register a record number of trade marks in 2016, according to research.Companies in the sector registered 4,228 trade marks last year, up from 3,141 in 2011, professional services firm, RPC, found.

情報源: Fintech boom drives record number of trade mark applications by UK finance firms | The Independent

[コメント] Fintechは金融を意味するファイナンス(Finance)と、技術を意味するテクノロジー(Technology)を組み合わせた造語ですが、フィンテック分野での商標登録出願数が急増しているとの記事になります。銀行、金融機関のIT化が加速しているとも受け取れます。

商標登録insideNews: EUR-Lex – 32017R1901 – EN – EUR-Lex

Pursuant to Article 6(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 510/2006 of 20 March 2006 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs, Denmark’s application to register the name ‘Danbo’ as a protected geographical indication (PGI) was published in the Official Journal of the European Union  (3).

情報源: EUR-Lex – 32017R1901 – EN – EUR-Lex

New Geographical Indication Approved For Generic Name

情報源: New Geographical Indication Approved For Generic Name – PerishableNews

商標登録insidenews: 「アニ文字」は商標侵害=東京のアプリ開発会社、アップルを提訴:時事ドットコム


情報源: 「アニ文字」は商標侵害=東京のアプリ開発会社、アップルを提訴:時事ドットコム


情報源: アニ文字めぐりアップル提訴 日本拠点のソフト企業 – 産経ニュース

商標登録insideNews: 商标局关于批准设立第四批商标受理窗口的公告|工商总局商标局


情報源: 商标局关于批准设立第四批商标受理窗口的公告

[部分訳] 商標登録を申請し、申請を容易にするために、北京市工商行政管理局石景山分局およびその他の29の工商行政管理局分局は、商標登録出願を受け付ける窓口として、2017年10月18日に正式に営業を開始しています。

商標insideNews: Adidas challenges ELEAGUE trademark filing | Dot Esports

Sportswear giant Adidas has filed an opposition to the trademark application of Turner Sports’ esports venture ELEAGUE. After nearly 18 months of events, ELEAGUE has established itself as one of the top broadcasters in esports. With its second Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Major coming up in January, the Turner Sports venture is going from strength to strength. The opposition relates to ELEAGUE’s “E” logo, which consists of three lines. Adidas contends that that logo is too similar to its classic three l

情報源: Adidas challenges ELEAGUE trademark filing | Dot Esports

ELEAGUE – Arena Tour

adidas Originals | ORIGINAL is never finished

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