The UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has granted a partial win to the National Football League (NFL), which had opposed a trademark application covering tenpin bowling
The owner of the video game series Call of Duty has illegally used trademarks for Humvee military vehicles, and “reaped billions of dollars in revenues” in doing so, a lawsuit filed by a Humvee maker on Tuesday alleges.
Moosehead Breweries is suing a Vermont brewpub in a trademark dispute over its moose-themed name and logo.The Saint John-based company has filed an infringement lawsuit against Hop’n Moose Brewing Company in Rutland, Vt.
For some reason, a UK entity registered in Middlesex named The Sun & Sand Foundation is attempting to do exactly that. A Reddit user discovered two trademark filings pertaining to Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Gold. It is unclear who exactly is behind this, or why it’s being done now.
Trade mark name BitcoinGold
Application number UK00003261064
Applicant name Sun & Sand Foundation
Application date 3-10-2017
Trade mark status Filed
Trade mark office GB
Nice class 9,36,38,41,42,45
Trade mark name BitcoinCash
Application number UK00003261063
Applicant name Sun & Sand Foundation
Application date 3-10-2017
Trade mark status Filed
Trade mark office GB
Nice class 9,36,41,42,45
Trade mark name BITCOIN CASH
Application number 87633636
Applicant name Regalbuto, Anthony
Application date 4-10-2017
Trade mark status Filed
Trade mark office US
Nice class 36
The hermit kingdom registered three trademarks with the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), two of which were of the Ryukyung Kimchi Factory and the Pyongyang Bag Factory.
北朝鮮の商標はWIPOに出されていますが、概ねフランス語で提出されています。2017年11月現在61件の登録があります。中国(CN)やロシア(RU)を指定国としているものが多いですが、中にはGB, SE、BX, DE, FRを指定しているものもあります。記事の商標の1つは、新しい柳京キムチ工場で生産されている中国、ロシア輸出用のキムチの商標で、次の商標登録のようです。(North Korean Trademark)
Name and address of the holder of the registration
Fabrique de Kimchi Rhyukyong
Commune de Misan 2,
arrondissement de Taesong
Pyongyang (KP)
Name and address of the representative
Agence des marques de Samcholli
P.O. Box 11,
Commune de Ponghak,
Arrondissement de Phyongchon
Pyongyang (KP)