LeBron James has filed to trademark the phrase “Nothing is given. Everything is earned.”The Cleveland Cavaliers forward filed for the phrase, which he first used in the 2014 Sports Illustrated article that announced his return to Cleveland, with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office earlier this month.
(210)/(260)Application number D992003001835
(270)Application language id
(220)Application date 2003-01-24
Trade mark office Indonesia – ID
(190)Registration office ID
(111)Registration number IDM000004040
(151)Registration date 2004-04-14
(141)Expiry date 2013-01-24
(550)Trade mark type Combined
(551)Kind of mark Individual
(591)Claimed colour(s) HITAM
(511)Nice classification 30
Current trade mark status Application filed
Status date 2013-01-24
(511)Nice class number 30
List of goods and services Gula, tepung gula, glucosa, biscuit, permen, kembang gula, kue kering, dodol, jenang, coklat, mesis, snack: kue basah/kering, kue wafer, coklat stik, bubuk pengembang kue/roti, baking powder, gist, saos-saos, sambal, kecap, tauco, trasi, petis, tapioka, sagu, terigu, maezena, hunkwe, tepung beras, tepung kacang ijo, tepung kue, sohun, mihun, misoa, es krim, es lilin, teh, minuman teh, kakao, coklat, bubuk, roti, hamberger, donat, kue, bolu, kopi.
Address country ID
Address Jl. Holis 147 Babakan Babakan Ciparai Bandung – 40222