情報源: 清酒「灘五郷」、ぶどう酒「北海道」地理的表示指定に関するパブコメ募集開始/国税庁|食品産業新聞社ニュースWEB
情報源: 清酒「灘五郷」、ぶどう酒「北海道」地理的表示指定に関するパブコメ募集開始/国税庁|食品産業新聞社ニュースWEB
The ruling comes as Beijing looks to play up its credentials for protecting intellectual property rights, after being stung by criticism that it does not do enough to protect against IP infringement.
情報源: China’s Top Court Rules for Dior in Trademark Case | News & Analysis | BoF
Levi’s has accused Kenzo of copying the iconic red tabs used on its jeans pockets in its most recent collection, modelled by Britney Spears Levi’s first introduced the “Tab Device” in the 1930s, to distinguish its products from the hundreds of other denim labels on the market.
情報源: Levi’s sues Kenzo for trademark infringement over use of red pocket tab
KENZO LOVES BRITNEY SPEARS – La Collection Memento N°2
BAGHDAD – The Iraqi Trademarks Office recently announced that it becomes possible to file trademark applications in Latin letters, and it is not necessary to submit the Arabic transliteration of the same trademark.This new practice is expected to provide protection for the transliteration of the registered trademark, without having to file a separate application of the same trademark.
As of 23 April 2018 The Jordanian Industrial Property Protection Directorate under The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply (IPPD) has made its trade mark and design data available to the TMview and DesignView search tools.
情報源: News – EUTM
商標登録insideNews: Jordanian Industrial Property Protection Directorate (IPPD) joins TMclass | EUIPO