Interbrand Seoul 商標_動画(embedded)
1.Interbrand X Pyeongchang Winter Olympics 2018 #1、3:26
2.Best Korea Brands 2018 Top50、2:40
3.Interbrand Best Korea Brands 2018 스케치、2:27
Brand Finance 商標_動画 (embedded/playlist) vol.1
Brand Finance 動画
Brand Finance Global Forum 2018
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商標登録insideNews: Important Changes to Myanmar Trademark Law – Deacons
The Upper House of the Myanmar Parliament passed the Trademark and Geographical Indication Bill on 15 February 2018. The proposed new Trademark Law will bring Myanmar’s trade mark regime more in line with international standards, including the adoption of the Nice Classification. The Bill still needs to be approved by the Lower House but it is expected that the new law will be in effect and implemented as early as around June 2018.
商標登録insideNews: コーセー、「雪肌精」「SEKKISEI」が中国で馳名商標に認定 – 週刊粧業オンライン
情報源: コーセー、「雪肌精」「SEKKISEI」が中国で馳名商標に認定 – 化粧品業界人必読!週刊粧業オンライン
【ドキュメンタリー】雪肌精 母娘のきずな|Documentary movie First Dance of a Maiko
商標登録insideNews: 清酒「灘五郷」、ぶどう酒「北海道」地理的表示指定に関するパブコメ募集開始/国税庁|食品産業新聞社ニュースWEB
情報源: 清酒「灘五郷」、ぶどう酒「北海道」地理的表示指定に関するパブコメ募集開始/国税庁|食品産業新聞社ニュースWEB
商標登録insideNews: China’s Top Court Rules for Dior in Trademark Case | News & Analysis | BoF
The ruling comes as Beijing looks to play up its credentials for protecting intellectual property rights, after being stung by criticism that it does not do enough to protect against IP infringement.
情報源: China’s Top Court Rules for Dior in Trademark Case | News & Analysis | BoF