Chaîne Youtube de l’IEEPI (Institut Européen Entreprise et Propriété Intellectuelle) – IEEPI Channel

Chaîne Youtube de l’IEEPI (Institut Européen Entreprise et Propriété Intellectuelle) – IEEPI Channel
1.China ranks 17th on Global Innovation Index 2018、2:02
2.China in top 20 most innovative economies、5:02
3.UAE ranked most innovative country in the Arab world、0:49
4.Việt Nam tiếp tục cải thiện chỉ số đổi mới sáng tạo toàn cầu、3:00
5.90 seconds @ 9am : NZ slips in innovation rankings, 2:54
*Global Innovation Index 2018関連のNEWSがUPLOADされれば、順次追加する予定です。
PrintNEW YORK–China joined the world’s top 20 most innovative economies for the first time while the United States fell out of the five top-ranked countries, according to a report released Tuesday by one of its co-sponsors, the U.N. intellectual property agency.The Global Innovation Index 2018 keeps Switzerland in the No. 1 spot, followed by the Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom and Singapore. The United States fell from fourth place in 2017 to sixth this year, while China jumped from 22nd to 17th in the rankings. Japan is ranked No.13.
情報源: China joins 20 most innovative economies, U.S. falls to No. 6:The Asahi Shimbun
グローバル・イノベーション・インデックス(GII)2018 記者会見
続きを読む“世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.27 商標_動画(embedded)”
Diseño de marca
Los poderes del diseño para tu marca
続きを読む“アルゼンチン生産能力開発アカデミー 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.1”
模擬国際仲裁 -5G時代のSEP紛争の早期解決に向けて
続きを読む“特許庁(JPO) vol.7 商標_動画(embedded)模擬国際仲裁”
情報源: 藤田恵名、水着ワンマン開催 「いま、一番脱げるシンガーソングライター」で商標登録申請を発表 | ニコニコニュース
藤田恵名「言えない事は歌の中」(検閲済 ver.)、2:39
商標登録って何? 初めての商標登録出願 初心者向け vol.1
Ms. Fujita, Japanese musician, singer-songwriter and gravure idol, announces filing a trademark registration application for “now, the most undressable singer-songwriter” in holding a swimsuit solo recial.
The UK Intellectual Property Office (IPO) has refused to register a trademark for ‘Trump TV’ after the application was opposed by a company connected to US President
情報源: UKIPO refuses Trump trademark application following opposition
1.특허심판원 홍보영상、5:22
韓国知的財産庁審判廷 広報
2.특허청 지식재산 보호 설명회、1:10
3.2018 여성발명왕EXPO 영상、1:06
4.내가 뽑는 세계 발명왕!、1:09