商標登録insideNew: How to Avoid Losing Trademarks to the USPTO Audit Program – Lexology

The USPTO Audit Program The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) recently announced that it will conduct random audits of about 10 percent of all post-registration Declaration of Use filings going forward. This is a permanent extension of a pilot program launched by the USPTO in March 2017, following reports of increases in fraudulent claims of use and overly broad listings of goods and services by trademark applicants

情報源: How to Avoid Losing Trademarks to the USPTO Audit Program – Lexology

Post Registration Proof of Use Audit Program (USPTO WEBSITE)


商標登録insideNews: Mitsubishi drives forward trademark lawsuit against dealership

Mitsubishi’s North American division has filed a claim for trademark infringement, unfair competition, and breach of contract against one of its dealerships, following an unauthorised relocation. The complaint was filed in the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York on Tuesday, February 13.

情報源: Mitsubishi drives forward trademark lawsuit against dealership



商標登録insideNews: Samsung smart glasses could still happen, new logo trademark shows | TechRadar

Now, a logo trademark from Samsung discovered by Dutch site Galaxy Club hints that those plans might be resurrected. 

情報源: Samsung smart glasses could still happen, new logo trademark shows | TechRadar


(511) Classification 09Type(Nice11)
(220) Application No(Date) 4020180018731(2018.02.08)
(731) Applicant(Code) SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.(119981042713)


商標登録insideNews: 「スイス・ミリタリー」、スイス軍の登録商標に 時計の使用は? – SWI swissinfo.ch

スイスの連邦行政裁判所は9日、スイス軍による「スイス・ミリタリー(Swiss Military)」の商標登録を1月22日付で認めたと発表した。スイスの時計メーカーとの20年以上に渡る争いに決着がついた。

情報源: 「スイス・ミリタリー」、スイス軍の登録商標に 時計の使用は? – SWI swissinfo.ch



商標登録insideNews: 欧州共同体商標意匠庁(OHIM)の改称に係る取扱いについて | 特許庁


情報源: 欧州共同体商標意匠庁(OHIM)の改称に係る取扱いについて | 経済産業省 特許庁

【国名】   域内市場における調和のための官庁(商標及び意匠)
【出願日】  ○○○○年○○月○○日
【出願番号】 ○○○○○○○

【国名】   欧州連合知的財産庁
【出願日】  ○○○○年○○月○○日
【出願番号】 ○○○○○○○


商標登録insideNews: Kuwaiti Trademarks Added to the Global Brand Database, WIPO

The Global Brand Database now includes the national collections of Kuwait with over 33,000 records. This brings to 40 the number of national offices whose data is available in the Global Brand Database.

情報源: Kuwaiti Trademarks Added to the Global Brand Database

33,000より多くのクウェートの商標がWIPOのGlobal Brand Datebaseに新たに収録されています。


世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.18 Global Brand Database Tutorials 商標_動画(embedded)

WIPO 動画 Global Brand Database Tutorials

Global Brand DatabaseWIPO 動画 Global Brand Database TutorialsはWIPOの世界中の商標についての検索用データベースです。

Video: Overview of the Global Brand Database


世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) Global Brand Database Tutorials
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is the global forum for intellectual property policy, services, information and cooperation, and is a self-funding agency of the United Nations, with 193 member states.


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