欧州 知的財産ヘルプデスク (European IP Helpdesk) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.1

European IP Helpdesk video

European IP Helpdesk video

European IPR Helpdesk (https://www.iprhelpdesk.eu/)
IPR SME Helpdesk (http://www.ipr-hub.eu/)

欧州 知的財産ヘルプデスク (European IP Helpdesk) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.2

The European IP Helpdesk supports European SMEs and research teams involved in cross-border business and/or EU-funded research activities manage, disseminate and valorise their IP.


商標登録insideNews: Navy accuses Nike of trademark infringement over new crest logo – SBNation.com

The similarities of the Nike/UNDEFEATED logo released this week and the USNA Crest are undeniable and we believe their logo is clearly an infringement under trademark law.

情報源: Navy accuses Nike of trademark infringement over new crest logo – SBNation.com

Nike and LA-based brand Undefeated were scheduled to release a collaborative collection, but the crest used by the companies was widely criticized for its resemblance to the US Naval Academy’s coat of arms.

情報源: Nike drops clothing line after US Naval Academy claims trademark infringement

Naval Academy to Nike: Stop using logo similar to our crest、0:21


カザフスタン知的財産庁(Kazpatent) vol.1 商標_(embedded)

カザフスタン知的財産庁 動画

1.2018NIIS INFOGR ENG、0:30 カザフスタン知的財産庁 動画


2. Competition of inventions ‘Shapagat’ kicks off – Kazakh TV

Competition of inventions ‘Shapagat’ kicks off - Kazakh TV

Kazakhstan has launched a competition in the field of invention “Shapagat.” This year it will be held for the 13th time. Winners will be revealed in 4 categories: “Invention of the Year”, “Woman-inventor”, “The youngest inventor” and “Young talent”. The main requirement for the participants is to present the development, with high social and economic significance and competitiveness. Fields can apply: chemistry, medicine, agriculture and processing, connection and communication.

情報源: Competition of inventions ‘Shapagat’ kicks off – Kazakh TV

カザフスタン知的財産庁(Kazpatent) vol.2 商標_動画(embedded)


商標登録insideNews: Christian Louboutin wins ECJ ruling over red-soled shoes | Business | The Guardian

Christian Louboutin has won a key legal case in a long-running battle to protect its signature red soles from copycats. On Tuesday, the European court of justice (ECJ) ruled vanHaren, a Dutch company, had infringed the brand’s trademark by selling a range of red-soled shoes.

情報源: Christian Louboutin wins ECJ ruling over red-soled shoes | Business | The Guardian

[コメント] 今年の2月の時点では、欧州司法裁判所(ECJ)の法務官が、他人が類似の靴底を販売することを阻止する権利は認められないとの見解が示され、Louboutinの赤い靴底の独占が危ぶまれていましたが、今回の決定では赤い靴底の独占が維持されることになりそうです。

La Répétition by Blanca Li: Christian Louboutin AW16 Lookbook


商標登録insideNews: 飲食店の「模倣問題」もコレで解決!? 特許庁、店舗デザインを「意匠権」の対象とする方針 | Foodist Media


情報源: 飲食店の「模倣問題」もコレで解決!? 特許庁、店舗デザインを「意匠権」の対象とする方針 | Foodist Media



米国特許商標庁(USPTO) 商標_動画(embedded) vol.9

10 Million Patents 百年で米国特許商標庁が特許の表紙のデザインを変えたのは今回で2度目です。また、6月19日には米国特許商標庁では10,000,000号の特許が発行されます。


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