ロゴデザイン vol. 3 ピクセルインク (Pixel Ink) 商標_動画 (embedded)

1.Top Things!

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ロゴデザイン vol. 2 ピクセルインク (Pixel Ink) 商標_動画 (embedded)

1. Learn about the basics of brand and branding

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ロゴデザイン vol. 1 ピクセルインク (Pixel Ink) 商標_動画 (embedded)

1.Useful things to know that will help your brand

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商標登録insideNews: 宮崎)ヤマダイかんしょ、GI登録へ 県内では2例目:朝日新聞デジタル


情報源: 宮崎)ヤマダイかんしょ、GI登録へ 県内では2例目:朝日新聞デジタル


商標登録insideNews: Tunisian Trademarks Added to the Global Brand Database|WIPO

The Global Brand Database now includes the national collection of Tunisia with almost 90,000 records. This brings to 43 the number of national offices whose data is available in the Global Brand Database.

情報源: Tunisian Trademarks Added to the Global Brand Database

[コメント]2018.9.3 チュニジアの商標、およそ9万件がWIPOのGBDに追加されています。国内の政府機関は、チュニジア国立標準化・工業所有権機関(INNORPI)になります。


商標登録insideNews: 色彩の商標登録 ハードル高く 3年で4件、単色はゼロ 消費者の認知度がカギ:日本経済新聞


情報源: 色彩の商標登録 ハードル高く 3年で4件、単色はゼロ 消費者の認知度がカギ :日本経済新聞


商標登録insideNews: Support the Trademark Licensing Protection Act S. 4976 | TheHill

Trademark Licensing Protection Act Introduced

Chabot and Cuellar should be applauded for their leadership in working to restore a common-sense definition of “employer” and provide franchise businesses the certainty and fair treatment necessary for continued job creation and economic growth.

情報源: Support the Trademark Licensing Protection Act | TheHill

Official Publications from the U.S. Government Publishing Office.

情報源: S. 4976 (IS) – Trademark Licensing Protection Act of 2022 – Content Details –Trademark Licensing Protection Act Introduced

[コメント] Congress.govには、法案成立の段階を示すインディケーターがあり、Introduced(提案)、PassedHouse(下院通過)、PassedSenate(上院通過)、ToPresident(大統領へ)、Became Law(法案成立)の各段階のうち、現在(2018.9.15)、Trademark Licensing Protection Actは、Introduced(提案)段階です。

Trademark Licensing Protection Act is to amend the Trademark Act of 1946 to provide that the licensing of a mark for use by a related company may not be construed as establishing an employment relationship between the owner of the mark, or an authorizing person, and either that related company or the employees of that related company, and for other purposes.

米国商標制度 vol.2


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