商標登録insideNews: New Tiger and TaylorMade Brand? Trademark Filings Offer Hints | frontofficesports.com

Maybe New Tiger and TaylorMade Brand

Recently uncovered trademark filings from TaylorMade Lifestyle Ventures LLC hint at a potential new brand involving Woods and the golf equipment manufacturer that already supplies most of his clubs. Applications with the United States Patent and Trademark Office show that TaylorMade is seeking to trademark the term “SUNDAY RED” and an image of a tiger. The applications seek to use the new marks on everything from clothes and sunglasses to golf bags and cell phone cases.

情報源: New Tiger and TaylorMade Brand? Trademark Filings Offer Hints

Maybe New Tiger and TaylorMade Brand US Ser. 98312396
US Ser. 98312396
Maybe New Tiger and TaylorMade Brand
US Ser. 98364411
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韓国知的財産情報システム(KIPRIS /키프리스) 商標_動画(embedded) vol. 7

韓国知的財産情報システム 動画

NEW 키프리스 홍보영상 韓国知的財産情報システム 動画

NEW 키프리스 홍보영상

続きを読む“韓国知的財産情報システム(KIPRIS /키프리스) 商標_動画(embedded) vol. 7”


米国特許商標庁 (USPTO) 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.42

米国特許商標庁 動画

1.Navigating the Madrid Protocol: USPTO as Office of origin, 1:37:00

Navigating the Madrid Protocol: USPTO as Office of origin

続きを読む“米国特許商標庁 (USPTO) 商標_動画 (embedded) vol.42”


商標登録insideNews: 特定非常災害特別措置法第3条第3項に基づく令和6年能登半島地震により影響を受けた手続期間の延長について | 経済産業省 特許庁



情報源: 特定非常災害特別措置法第3条第3項に基づく令和6年能登半島地震により影響を受けた手続期間の延長について | 経済産業省 特許庁



続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 特定非常災害特別措置法第3条第3項に基づく令和6年能登半島地震により影響を受けた手続期間の延長について | 経済産業省 特許庁”




今回は 「社名の由来」 です。企業理念が込められた社名の由来すべての画像を見る(28件)世界にはたくさんの企業があり、日本だけでも367万社の企業があると言われています。それらの企業には当然のことながらそれぞれ社名があります。今回はそんな誰もが知る社名の由来を28個ご紹介します。

情報源: 「Google」は“グーゴル”になる予定だった!?有名企業の意外な、社名の由来28選|ウォーカープラス

Why “GOOGLE” Is Actually Misspelled 🤔 (EXPLAINED) 意外な社名の由来

Why "GOOGLE" Is Actually Misspelled 🤔 (EXPLAINED)


There are many companies in the world, and it is said that there are 3.67 million companies in Japan alone. Naturally, each of these companies has a company name. This time, we will introduce 28 origins of company names that everyone knows.


商標登録insideNews: 知財で稼げ、ブランド果樹 海外へライセンス展開―農水省 | 時事ドットコム



情報源: 知財で稼げ ブランド果樹 海外へライセンス展開―農水省:時事ドットコム

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: 知財で稼げ、ブランド果樹 海外へライセンス展開―農水省 | 時事ドットコム”


商標登録insideNews: K-pop’s BabyMonster win trademark case in Singapore against Monster Energy drink | The Straits Times

K-pop BabyMonster won Monster Energy in TM dispute

SINGAPORE – American energy drinks manufacturer Monster Energy Company (MEC) failed in its attempt to prevent South Korea’s YG Entertainment from registering the trademarks BabyMonster and BabyMonsters for its new K-pop girl group BabyMonster in Singapore, in a trademark lawsuit filed in Singapore court.

情報源: K-pop’s BabyMonster win trademark case in Singapore against Monster Energy drink | The Straits Times

BABYMONSTER – ‘BATTER UP’ M/V, 3:18 K-pop BabyMonster won Monster Energy in TM dispute


続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: K-pop’s BabyMonster win trademark case in Singapore against Monster Energy drink | The Straits Times”


中国 中小企業・知的財産ヘルプデスク (China IP SME Helpdesk) vol.10 商標_動画(embedded)

China IP SME Helpdesk 動画

1. Navigating China: Business and IP Best Practices, 1:28:54 China IP SME Helpdesk 動画

Navigating China: Business and IP Best Practices

続きを読む“中国 中小企業・知的財産ヘルプデスク (China IP SME Helpdesk) vol.10 商標_動画(embedded)”


IPKey 商標_動画(embedded/playlist) vol.15

IP Key SEA 動画

IP Key SEA 動画

Seminar on Plant Variety Protection System

  1. IP Key SEA – Impact of UPOV on Plant Variety Protection System: Introduction
  2. IP Key SEA – UPOV 1991 Convention as a Tool to Achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  3. IP Key SEA – The Contribution of the CPVR System to the EU Economy and Environment
  4. IP Key SEA – The Contribution of Plant Variety Protection in Kenya’s Economy
  5. IP Key SEA – Experience of Vietnam in the Accession to the 1991 Act
  6. Synergies Between Plant Breeding and Conservation of Genetic Resources: Japan and Argentina
  7. IP Key SEA – Essentially Derived Varieties: UPOV
  8. IP Key SEA – Essentially Derived Varieties: CPVO

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