商標登録insideNews: New trademark act heralds dramatic change, fee increases – The Lawyer’s Daily

New trademark act heralds dramatic change, fee increases. With June 17, 2019, quickly approaching, the new Canadian Trade-marks Act is about to dramatically change the brand protection landscape.The good news is that the new legislative changes will actually bring Canada in line with many international treaties and make it easier to simultaneously file international trademark applications. The government also made wise and potentially helpful modifications to expand the definition for trademarks and give applicants the ability to divide applications, which will be of strategic assistance during prosecution and in the event of an opposition.

情報源: New trademark act heralds dramatic change, fee increases – The Lawyer’s Daily

台湾 智慧財產法院 商標_動画(embedded)

1.智慧財產法院宣導影片(由智慧財產法院製作提供)專業版日文(低解析).wmv, 12:17

2.智慧財產法院宣導影片(由智慧財產法院製作提供)一般版日文(低解析).wmv, 7:37

台湾 智慧財産法院

商標登録insideNews: Facebook sues four Chinese companies over trademark infringement | TechCrunch

Facebook is taking legal action against a cluster of Chinese websites that sell fake accounts, likes and followers both on Facebook itself and on Instagram. The company announced the legal action in a short blog post late Friday afternoon (a move unusual enough to pique our curiosity a little). Of course, the fact that Facebook […]

情報源: Facebook sues four Chinese companies over trademark infringement | TechCrunch

日本・商標 最高裁判決、平成27年(受)第1876号(エマックス事件)

最高裁判決 エマックス事件 [国名]日本 [事件名]平成27年(受)第1876号(エマックス事件) [審判決日]最判平成29.2.28 [裁判所・決定機関]最高裁 [キーワード]除斥期間 権利濫用 商標法4条1項10号  …

米国商標 ファイルへの許可されていない変更

米国商標 ファイルへの許可されていない変更 (Unauthorized changes to your file) 米国特許商標庁(USPTO)が管理する各商標の記録に対して、その権限を持つ者からの許可を得ない状態で何か …

商標登録insideNews: Proposal to require foreign-domiciled trademark applicants and registrants to use a U.S.-licensed attorney | USPTO

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) published a proposal to change federal trademark law (our rules of practice) to require foreign-domiciled tradema

情報源: Proposal to require foreign-domiciled trademark applicants and registrants to use a U.S.-licensed attorney | USPTO

Federal Register: Requirement of U.S. Licensed Attorney for Foreign Trademark Applicants and Registrants

情報源: Federal Register :: Requirement of U.S. Licensed Attorney for Foreign Trademark Applicants and Registrants

商標登録insideNews: Warning about unauthorized practice of law


商標登録insideNews: キリン「氷結」立体商標に ダイヤモンドのような凹凸:朝日新聞デジタル


情報源: キリン「氷結」立体商標に ダイヤモンドのような凹凸:朝日新聞デジタル

キリン 氷結® 「宣言」篇 15秒

商標登録insideNews: A Young Brand Wants to Register its Green Sole as a Trademark & is Using Louboutin’s Drawing To Do it — The Fashion Law

One way to build a luxury shoe brand? Paint the soles a single color, position them among the likes of world-famous figures on red carpets, in fashion editorials, and on the bi-annual fashion month runways, and then wait for demand to skyrocket. This is the tactic that Christian Louboutin adopted ba

情報源: A Young Brand Wants to Register its Green Sole as a Trademark & is Using Louboutin’s Drawing To Do it — The Fashion Law

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