商標登録insideNews: OnePlus sued over ‘purposeful’ infringement of ‘Dash Charge’ trademark | The Inquirer

Dash Charge Infringement

WIRELESS EARPHONES OUTFIT Bragi is suing OnePlus in the European Union for allegedly infringing on its ‘Dash’ trademark.The little-known German company claims OnePlus is purposefully creating confusion with the ‘Dash Charge’ feature found on its smartphones, which it claims sounds similar to its own ‘Dash Charger’ that ships with its wireless earbuds.This lawsuit isn’t a one-off, either, as Bragi, er, brags that it’s filed another lawsuit against OnePlus in the US.

情報源: OnePlus sued over ‘purposeful’ infringement of ‘Dash Charge’ trademark

Dash Charge Infringement
Dash Charge

(APPLICANT) ONEPLUS TECHNOLOGY (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD limited company, Serial no.86973627

米国商標制度 vol.2


商標登録insideNews: ライセンスブランドに未来はあるか – バーバリー、ディオール、アディダス 裏切りの歴史  | 小島健輔からの直言 | 商業界オンライン

三陽商会がバーバリーショックからいまだ立ち直れずに3度目の希望退職募集に追い込まれる一方、三陽商会を切り捨てた英バーバリー社とて業績が伸び悩んで売れ残り品の処分に苦慮している。そんなタイミングで朝日新聞は『ライセンス商品 縮む市場』と題してブランド価値の在り方を問うていたが、果たしてライセンス商品とそのビジネスに未来はあるのだろうか。

情報源: ライセンスブランドに未来はあるか — バーバリー、ディオール、アディダス 裏切りの歴史 | 企業戦略 | 小島健輔からの直言 | 商業界オンライン

[コメント] このような突然の契約打ち切りは、経済的損失が伴うことが予想されます。ライセンス契約書のDrafterやCheckerが憂慮すべき事項の1つで、特に大型契約の場合には注意すべき事項となります。


オーストラリア知的財産庁(IP Australia) vol.15 商標_動画(embedded)

IP Australia video

1. Understanding Certification Trade Marks for Food – Tim Mottin, FODMAP, 2:58 IP Australia video

Understanding Certification Trade Marks for Food - Tim Mottin, FODMAP

Australian certification trade mark

FODMAPとは、特定の糖質の略称で、一般的には腸内環境を整えると言われている食材も多く含まれます。 しかし、IBS(過敏性腸症候群)など、日頃からお腹の調子が不安定な方の中には、それが逆効果になることも。 それは、大腸まで届いたFODMAPが腸内細菌の働きにより、腸内で異常発酵し、腸の運動に変化がおこるためです。(https://cykinso.co.jp/news/20180131 より)

2. The value of certification trade marks to business and the food industry、12:31

The value of certification trade marks to business and the food industry

各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連108機関) 地域ブロック別


商標登録insideNews: Ecuador joins TMclass | EUIPO

Ecuador joins TMclassAs of 25 September 2018, Ecuador’s National Service of Intellectual Rights (SENADI) joins TMclass with the latest version of the Nice classification.This latest addition brings the total number of national and regional IP Offices, including ARIPO, OAPI, WIPO and EUIPO, involved in the tool to 72.

情報源: Ecuador joins TMclass


商標登録insideNews: 商標審査に「ファストトラック審査」を導入します | 経済産業省 特許庁



情報源: 商標審査に「ファストトラック審査」を導入します | 経済産業省 特許庁




商標登録insideNews: ファストトラック審査 (休止のお知らせ) | 特許庁

The “fast track review” is a review procedure in which the initial review results for eligible applications are notified approximately two months earlier than for regular applications, and will be implemented on a trial basis this time.



商標登録insideNews: Malawi Joins the Madrid System | WIPO

Malawi Joins the Madrid SystemSeptember 25, 2018On September 25, 2018, the Government of Malawi deposited its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol with WIPO’s Director General, making Malawi the 102nd member of the Madrid System, which now covers 118 countries. The Protocol will enter into force for Malawi on December 25, 2018.

情報源: Malawi Joins the Madrid System



商標登録insideNews: Michael Kors Is Close to Buying Versace for $2 Billion – Bloomberg

Handbag maker Michael Kors Holdings Ltd. is nearing an agreement to buy Gianni Versace SpA after the Italian fashion house known for its baroque designs drew interest from several suitors, people familiar with the plans said.

情報源: Michael Kors Is Close to Buying Versace for $2 Billion – Bloomberg

Why Michael Kors Is On The Verge Of Buying Versace | TIME, 1:04

Michael Kors on verge of buying Versace for $2B: Report, 0:24

商標登録insideNews: Trademark update | Canadian Lawyer Magazine

Set to come into effect next year, the legislative changes to the Trade-marks Act will bring Canada in line with international treaties and make trademark applications faster. But the changes will likely cause uncertainty for trademark lawyers, and the removal of the use requirement may open up the trademarks register to a flood of speculation.

情報源: Trademark update | Canadian Lawyer Mag


商標登録insideNews: FitzMagic trademark: Minkah Fitzpatrick tells Ryan Fitzpatrick take it | Palm beach post

What began as a mostly trivial story about two NFL players sharing the same nickname — and last name — turned ugly for Dolphins rookie Minkah Fitzpatrick. After he and his family were badgered on Twitter for filing a trademark on FitzMagic, a moniker also used by Buccaneers backup quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick, Minkah decided it was an unnecessary headache.

情報源: FitzMagic trademark: Minkah Fitzpatrick tells Ryan Fitzpatrick take it


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