ラトビア共和国特許庁(LRPV) vol.9 商標_動画(embedded)

ラトビア共和国特許庁 動画

1.LTV1:Rīta Panorāma / Saruna ar Patentu valdes direktoru Sandri Laganovski un profesoru Andri Ambaini, 8:01 ラトビア共和国特許庁 動画

LTV1:Rīta Panorāma / Saruna ar Patentu valdes direktoru Sandri Laganovski un profesoru Andri Ambaini

2.Rīta Panorāma / LTV1: Tiešraide no Izgudrojumu izstādes, 4:43 

Rīta Panorāma / LTV1: Tiešraide no Izgudrojumu izstādes

3.Seminārs tiesnešiem 2018 

ラトビア共和国特許庁 Latvijas Republika Patentu valde Website
各国商標データベース (国内外知的財産関連109機関) 地域ブロック別
The Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia is an independent state institution operating under the supervision of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia.


世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.37 商標_動画(embedded)


1.WIPO Director General Comments on Increased IP Awareness by Heads of Government, 0:28 WIPO 動画

WIPO Director General Comments on Increased IP Awareness by Heads of Government

2.Highlights – GII 2018 Panel Discussion: Innovating for the Future of Energy, 4:45

Highlights - GII 2018 Panel Discussion: Innovating for the Future of Energy

3.GII 2018 Panel Discussion: Innovating for the Future of Energy, 1:38:18

GII 2018 Panel Discussion: Innovating for the Future of Energy

4.Canadian Joins the International Design System, 1:11

Canada Joins the International Design System



商標登録insideNews: 「平成」など旧元号、商標登録の対象外に 来年2月めど:朝日新聞デジタル

旧元号 商標登録の対象外へ


情報源: 「平成」など旧元号、商標登録の対象外に 来年2月めど:朝日新聞デジタル旧元号 商標登録の対象外へ


情報源: 新旧元号の商標登録不可 政府、来年2月に基準見直しへ – 産経ニュース

「元号」の商標登録不可へ 政府が審査基準見直し(18/11/05), 0:57

「元号」の商標登録不可へ 政府が審査基準見直し(18/11/05)

®™℠ および登録商標の違い-何のために表示する?無くても良い?の疑問に答えます。

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said at a press conference on the morning of the 5th that he was considering making it impossible to register past era names such as “Heisei” as a trademark after the change of era name in May next year.


商標登録insideNews: 日本無印良品商標案敗訴,以後在國內或只能叫MUJI-財經新聞-新浪新聞中心

日本無印良品商標案敗訴,以後在國內或只能叫MUJI!不過在中國敗訴的不止它一個品牌  原創: 方潁鈺 北京商報   在國內,「無印良品」的店面有二種。  無印良品是中國的店,無印良品MUJI是日本的店。  近期因為商標問題,中國的無印良品母公司北京棉田紡織品有限公司就對日本的無印良品母公司株式會社良品計劃及其中國分公司無印良品(上海)商業有限公司提起了訴訟。

情報源: 日本無印良品商標案敗訴,以後在國內或只能叫MUJI-財經新聞-新浪新聞中心

無印良品在中國居然遇到同名的商標?然後打官司還敗訴 因為是這樣 |主播 廖婕妤|【上班聊這卦】20181026|三立新聞台,4:48


說好的”中國自創”?山寨無印良品抄好抄滿 反控日正版竟勝訴|記者柯皓寧|【國際局勢。先知道】20181026|三立iNEWS, 1:54
無印良品 vs 無良贋品という揶揄もあります。


商標登録insideNews: Myanmar Update – New Language Requirements for Trademark Applications | Spruson & Ferguson

On October 1, 2018, a new Myanmar Registration Act (the “New Act”) took force.  The New Act requires:Filed documents to be in the Myanmar Language; orIf the filed documents are not in the Myanmar Language, a translation of the filed documents must be submitted along with a certification from a Myanmar Notary Public.

情報源: Myanmar Update – New Language Requirements for Trademark Applications | Spruson & Ferguson


商標登録insideNews: Online Trademark Registration Services Can Be Disastrous | IPWatchdog

These services have become increasingly prevalent. To otherwise savvy business people – entrepreneurs who are cautious about expenses and are accustomed to doing things themselves, and foreign companies with great products but are unfamiliar with the intricacies of United States Patent and Trademark law – these advertisements that tout low-cost and filing ease may seem intriguing.  But using such services can be costly – in fact, crippling – particularly in cases where the business is investing in and dependent on the roll out of its branded products.

情報源: Online Trademark Registration Services Can Be Disastrous


商標登録insideNews: 明治150周年を記念してレトロデザインの商標記念証を発行します! (METI/経済産業省)


情報源: 明治150周年を記念してレトロデザインの商標記念証を発行します! (METI/経済産業省)


商標登録insideNews: 日本ワイン、30日から表示厳格化 「王国」山梨 思い交錯 最上位品PR/原料不足で非表示も :日本経済新聞


情報源: 日本ワイン、30日から表示厳格化 「王国」山梨 思い交錯 最上位品PR/原料不足で非表示も :日本経済新聞


商標登録insideNews: Did China Really Create a New Trademark Office? – China Law Blog

A couple weeks ago, the online Chinese magazine Sixth Tone ran a story titled “China Founds Trademark Office to Protect Domestic Brands.” The gist of the story is that on Oct. 17, 2018, a new trademark office was established in Shanghai for the sole purpose of helping Chinese companies protect their intellectual property overseas: The […]

情報源: Did China Really Create a New Trademark Office? – China Law Blog


情報源: 海外での商標権を保護する事務所が上海に設立_中国国際放送局


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