EURid and EUIPO Collaboration
続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: EURid and EUIPO strengthen their collaboration | EUIPO”
US Supreme Court rules trademark rights may survive bankruptcy rejection MAY 20, 2019 02:08:53 PM. The US Supreme Court ruled Monday that if a trademark license would survive a breach outside bankruptcy, it may survive a debtor’s rejection in bankruptcy.The case, Mission Product Holdings, Inc. v. Tempnology, LLC, came about after Tempnology filed for bankruptcy in 2015. Tempnology was licensing its trademarks to Mission Product Holdings for use on athletic apparel. After Tempnology filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, Tempnology issued a rejection of the current trademark license agreement, which would ordinarily result in a breach. Tempnology argued that they could no longer maintain quality control over the trademark and as such could not support the continuation of the agreement. Mission Product Holdings filed suit in bankruptcy court to determine whether the breach by Tempnology could in effect revoke their existing trademark rights. Tempnology won the initial case, but it was reversed by the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel. The Appellate panel was then reversed by the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit.
情報源: 焼肉の大同門、TVCMの「だ~いど~もん(音)」の音商標登録が認可~創業50周年記念での登録、さらなるブランドの強化を目指す – 『食を通して、よろこびと笑顔の時間を提供する』焼肉の大同門
2021年9月14日、知的財産問題に関する6回目のトレーニングが、ラトビアとヨーロッパの裁判官、司法制度の従業員、および知的財産の分野の専門家を対象に開催されました。 セミナーでは、商標保護と著作権の問題に焦点が当てられました。 2年連続で、セミナーはヨーロッパ規模でオンラインで開催されました。
続きを読む“ラトビア共和国特許庁(LRPV) vol.12 商標_動画(embedded/playlist)”