The Volkswagen Group has filed a trademark infringement and dilution suit against a car parts retailer, which it says is selling “shoddy goods” and passing them off as genuine.
情報源: Volkswagen targets ‘shoddy’ car parts retailer in trademark suit
The Volkswagen Group has filed a trademark infringement and dilution suit against a car parts retailer, which it says is selling “shoddy goods” and passing them off as genuine.
情報源: Volkswagen targets ‘shoddy’ car parts retailer in trademark suit
1.โครงการแข่งขันว่าความในศาลจำลอง ประจำปี 2562 (CIPITC Moot Court Competition) รอบชิงชนะเลิศ, 3:51:45
2.ทรู ร่วมสนับสนุนการแข่งขันว่าความในศาลจำลอง ปี 2562, 2:28
UPOV PRISMA におけるエージェントの働き方
UPOV PRISMA – ブリーダーがエージェントと協力する方法 UPOV PRISMA – エージェントの人名簿 エージェント – UPOV PRISMA での役割の把握
続きを読む“植物新品種保護国際同盟(UPOV) vol.9 商標_動画(embedded)”
adidas has filed a request with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to shut down J. Crew’s application for a trademark containing five stripes, as reported by The Fashion Law.
情報源: adidas and J. Crew Battle Over Stripe Trademark | HYPEBEAST
公募期間:令和元年8月19日(月)13時~令和元年9月20日(金)15時 ※電子申請のみの受付です。
ニース分類NCL(11-2020)は第11版で、2020年1月1日に施行される商品役務の国際分類(NICE CLASSIFICATION, 11TH EDITION, VERSION 2020 –)です。
情報源: NCL(11-2020): Excel list of goods and services now available
区分の一覧と注記 List of Classes with Explanatory Notes (E) 第37類から第44類の注記に書き換えられた事項があります。
商品役務の一覧 List of Goods and Services (E/F) 369頁(pdf)何か所かの追加や修正があります。
外出先での IPOS 更新
続きを読む“シンガポール知的財産庁(IPOS) vol.6 商標_動画(embedded)”
Carolina Vengoechea, 45, tells The Post that Uber has demanded she give up the name of her beauty salon app, called “BeauBer.” But she has refused, arguing that the name is the combination of her two job titles, beautician and barber — and has nothing to do with the San Francisco-based company.Vengoechea says she has already turned down multiple settlement offers from the $60 billion Uber, which is hell-bent on destroying trademarks that include its name. Unless the company backs down, she said, she will be forced to face them in court next year.
情報源: Uber tries to brake Florida salon app’s trademark