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外出先での IPOS 更新
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Carolina Vengoechea, 45, tells The Post that Uber has demanded she give up the name of her beauty salon app, called “BeauBer.” But she has refused, arguing that the name is the combination of her two job titles, beautician and barber — and has nothing to do with the San Francisco-based company.Vengoechea says she has already turned down multiple settlement offers from the $60 billion Uber, which is hell-bent on destroying trademarks that include its name. Unless the company backs down, she said, she will be forced to face them in court next year.
情報源: Uber tries to brake Florida salon app’s trademark
1.지식재산 축제의 장! 지역 지식재산 페스티벌, 9:28
2.IP 통상 포럼 – 해외 지식재산 확산·보호, 48:52
3.위조상품신고 연간1만5천건, 디자인모방 연간 1천건…. 기술탈취 이렇게 막자!, 3:37
続きを読む“リトアニア共和国国家特許庁(VPB) vol.8 商標_動画(embedded)”
On August 7, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit affirmed a jury verdict from the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia finding a landlord liable for contributory trademark infringement .
情報源: 北韓「知的所有権局」新設か l KBS WORLD Radio
情報源: Naenara-朝鮮民主主義人民共和国
情報源: Naenara-朝鮮民主主義人民共和国
情報源: 官庁に対し手続を行うための米国で資格のある弁護士による代理の要件:米国(参考訳) | 経済産業省 特許庁
今月3日から施行された外国人の出願人や権利者は、本人だけでの手続はできなくなり、それぞれの手続に米国ライセンスの弁護士を代理人として必要とする規則の特許庁訳になります。すでにウエブサイト上では、有資格となる州と弁護士登録番号の入力が必要とされ、good standingについてもチェック形式の宣誓が必要となっています。弁護士登録番号については、なりすまし防止のため、公表はされないようになっています。
In order to register a trademark based on use in commerce, or to renew a registration based on a foreign or international registration, trademark owners are required to verify that the mark is in use in U.S. commerce… United States Intellectual Property Smith Gambrell & Russell LLP 19 Aug 2019
In order to register a trademark based on use in commerce, or to renew a registration based on a foreign or international registration, trademark owners are required to verify that the mark is in use in U.S. commerce with all goods or services listed in the application or registration. In addition, the mark owner must… Read more
情報源: Trademark Owners, Watch Out! USPTO Getting Strict on Specimens – SGR Law
Examination Guide 3-19 Examination of Specimens for Use in Commerce:Digitally Created or Altered and Mockup Specimens July 2019
According to the USPTO Commissioner of Trademarks, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has seen a significant increase in the number of applicants who are not fulfilling their legal and ethical obligations to file accurately and in good faith, particularly with respect to claims that the mark is in use in commerce. After studying the problem, the USPTO made two changes in application procedures designed to improve the overall quality of applications: (1) a new rule requiring foreign trademark applicants and registrants to be represented by a US-licensed lawyer, and (2) a new Examining Guide focused on detecting and rejecting falsified purported specimens of use in commerce. Applicants can expect a higher level of scrutiny of their applications, particularly where the applicant is based outside the United States.
情報源: US Trademark Office addresses false or inaccurate filings | Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP – JDSupra