商標登録insideNews: 国際特許出願、アジアが初の5割超、中国がけん引: 日本経済新聞


情報源: 国際特許出願、アジアが初の5割超、中国がけん引  :日本経済新聞

国際特許、アジアが初の過半数 18年出願 中国、首位の米に迫る 世界知的所有権機関(WIPO)が19日発表した世界の企業などによる2018年の国際特許登録の出願件数は、地域別でアジアが50.5%と初めて過半数を占めた。欧州24.5%、北米23.1%となり、WIPOのガリー事務局長は「技術革新分野で西から東へと歴史的な移動が起きている」と指摘した。

情報源: 国際特許、アジアが初の過半数 18年出願 中国、首位の米に迫る – SankeiBiz(サンケイビズ)


商標登録insideNews: くまモン、中国名「熊本熊」に「酷MA萌」から変更 | 熊本日日新聞

くまモン、中国名 熊本熊へ

くまモン、中国名 熊本熊へ


情報源: くまモン、中国名「熊本熊」に 「酷MA萌」から変更 | 熊本日日新聞

続きを読む“商標登録insideNews: くまモン、中国名「熊本熊」に「酷MA萌」から変更 | 熊本日日新聞”


世界知的所有権機関(WIPO) vol.41 商標_動画(embedded)


1.Canada Joins Three Key WIPO Trademark Treaties, 1:50 WIPO 動画
WIPO Director General Francis Gurry received Canada’s instruments of accession to the Madrid Protocol, Nice Agreement and the Singapore Treaty from Canadian Ambassador Stephen de Boer.

Canada Joins Three Key WIPO Trademark Treaties

2.WIPO Director General Presents Record-Breaking Results of 2018 IP Filing Services、 1:00:3

WIPO Director General Presents Record-Breaking Results of 2018 IP Filing Services

3.President of Tunisia Visits WIPO, 1:11

President of Tunisia Visits WIPO



商標登録insideNews: 「そだねー」商標登録の申請却下 北見工大生協と六花亭に特許庁が通知 北海道(HBCニュース) | Yahoo!ニュース

「そだねー」 却下通知


情報源: 「そだねー」商標登録の申請却下 北見工大生協と六花亭に特許庁が通知 北海道(HBCニュース) – Yahoo!ニュース「そだねー」 却下通知


情報源: 「そだねー」商標登録出願に“却下”通知

商標登録insideNews:「そだねー」あの会社が商標出願していたことが判明 |ハフポスト日本版

Last year, women’s curling that won the buzzword award, Loco Solare’s “Sodane”. In November last year, Japan Patent Office sent a notice of rejection of the application to Kitami Institute of Technology Co-op and Obihiro confectionery maker Rokkatei, who had applied for trademark registration of this word.


商標登録insideNews: Brexit Q & A | EUIPO

Impact of the UK’s withdrawalfrom the EU – EUTMs and RCDsOn 29 March 2017, the United Kingdom (UK) notified its intention to leave the European Union (EU).As a consequence, unless a withdrawal agreement is ratified or another date determined by the European Council, in agreement with the UK, the UK will become a third country and EU law will ex lege (Article 50(3) TEU) cease to apply to the UK (so called “hard Brexit” scenario).The withdrawal day is currently set for 30 March 2019.This section contains the relevant information on how the EUIPO intends to handle the circumstances in which EUTM and RCD Regulations would cease to apply to the UK as from the withdrawal day.

情報源: Brexit Q & A -EUIPO



Information on the numbering system for comparable UK trade marks after the UK exits the EU.

情報源: Numbering system for comparable UK trade marks – GOV.UK


This guide offers information on the future of intellectual property (IP) laws following the decision that the UK will leave the European Union (EU).

情報源: IP and Brexit – GOV.UK

Delivering the deal negotiated with the EU remains the government’s top priority. This has not changed.However, the government must prepare for every eventuality, including a no deal scenario. For 2 years, the government has been implementing a significant programme of work to ensure that the UK is prepared to leave the EU on 29 March 2019.

情報源: Trade marks and designs if there’s no Brexit deal – GOV.UK

Politicians are creating a great degree of chaos for trademark attorneys, according to the Rt Hon Lord Chris Smith of Finsbury, chair of Intellectual Property Regulation Board

情報源: IPPro Magazine | Politicians are creating chaos for trademark attorneys, claims IPReg chair | ippromagazine.com


商標登録insideNews: Alibaba Settles Trademark Dispute with Alibabacoin | Finance Magnates

The dispute between Dubai-based cryptocurrency firm Alibabacoin Foundation and Alibaba Holding Group seems to have come to an end.The developer of ABBC Coin and MC wallet today said it has reached an agreement to settle a long spat with the Chinese IT conglomerate which intended to block the foundation from using the Alibaba name.

情報源: Alibaba Settles Trademark Dispute with Alibabacoin | Finance Magnates


商標登録insideNews: 日欧EPAのGI保護策 複雑な規定、チーズ業界混乱 :日本経済新聞(リーガルの窓)


情報源: (リーガルの窓)日欧EPAのGI保護策 複雑な規定、チーズ業界混乱 :日本経済新聞


商標登録insideNews: 米国で「大白兎ミルクキャラメル」味のアイス大ヒット、中国の商標権侵害?―中国メディア|BIGLOBEニュース


情報源: 米国で「大白兎ミルクキャラメル」味のアイス大ヒット、中国の商標権侵害?―中国メディア|BIGLOBEニュース

Wanderlust Creamery Lets You Travel The World With Your Tastebuds, 1:34

White Rabbit, China’s beloved homemade candy, tries to modernise whilst maintaining tradition, 2:54


商標登録insideNews: UPDATE: State drops M22 trademark lawsuit | Business | record-eagle.com

TRAVERSE CITY — Outdoor brand M22, LLC will retain its federal trademark for the M22 logo. The State of Michigan dismissed its lawsuit against the company.A Feb. 28 settlement specifies that the state cannot challenge the company on the trademark. It also prohibits the state from any grievances or future suits related to the trademark.Former Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette challenged the trademark’s legality in 2012. Current Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel re-examined the case this year and decided not to move forward.

情報源: UPDATE: State drops M22 trademark lawsuit | Business | record-eagle.com

22 Things To Do on M-22 | Pure Michigan, 2:22

22 Things To Do on M-22 | Pure Michigan



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